Investigate the elastic properties of a strip of metal (hacksaw blade) and use the results to determine the value of Young's Modulus of the metal.

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Baber Pervez 12K

Physics Coursework – Making sense of data


To investigate the elastic properties of a strip of metal (hacksaw blade) and use the results to determine the value of Young’s Modulus of the metal from the following experiment:

The Young’s Modulus, E, is given by:

a2  =         Ebd3   Cosθ        b = width of blade

        6Mg        d = thickness of blade

                g = acceleration due to gravity: 9.81ms-2

Young’s Modulus

For the description of the elastic properties of linear objects like wires, rods, columns which are either stretched or compressed, a convenient parameter is the ratio of the stress to the strain, a parameter called the Young's modulus of the material. Young's modulus can be used to predict the elongation or compression of an object as long as the stress is less than the yield strength of the material.

To obtain a suitable value for Young's Modulus, a graph needs to be plotted. We can see that the initial equation is in the form y = mx:

y = a2

m =          Ebd3


x = Cosθ

From this we can say that the graph that is to be plotted will be a2 against Cosθ. On this graph, three lines will be drawn: a line of maximum gradient, a best fit line and a line with minimum gradient going through the points. The gradient (m) will equal the part of the equation above. This will be re-arranged to give the Young’s Modulus as follows:

E  =        6Mgm


Appearance of the graph – from the gradient we can say that the graph will be straight line through the origin. This is because the gradient consists only of constants: E, b, d, M and g. therefore, the overall gradient will remain the same throughout the graph. The graph will pass through the origin because when Cosθ is 0 then after that as been multiplied by the gradient, a2 will also be 0.

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After these calculations, a small preliminary experiment was carried out to obtain a few pieces of data that would give a rough idea of the Young’s Modulus that is to be obtained. The graph below was created using the few pieces of data obtained:


E  =        6 x 0.1 x 9.81 x 0.0673

        0.00068 x 0.01195

   =        1.05 x 1011 Pa

   =         105 GPa

This gives an indication of the Young’s Modulus so the appropriate calculations have been done and the experiment can now be carried out. For the ...

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