Maths coursework- stair totals. I shall be investigating the total and difference in sets of stairs in different grid sizes. I will be investigating the relationship between stair totals on different grids.

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Tom Hartrick                07/10/2005

GCSE Mathematics Coursework


In my mathematics GCSE coursework I shall be investigating the total and difference in sets of stairs in different grid sizes.  I will be investigating the relationship between stair totals on different grids.  This will also include different stair sizes.

I will choose to display my findings using a mixture of graphs, tables and grids.  I shall also try to work out the formula for each of the number of step sizes.

After I have finished investigating the different sized number stairs I will attempt to find out the different sized number grids.

At the end of my investigation I will conclude by demonstrating and explaining the relationship between all sizes of stairs.


I shall be carrying out my stair challenge by finding out the correct information.  I shall do this by experimenting with the size of the grid corresponding to the size of the stairs used in the grid.

I shall try to work out the formulas by recognising any similarities in the results obtained.    


Part 1- Three Step grid

I have investigated the three step stair (some of my findings can be viewed on the graph paper in the back).  During my investigation I believe that I have worked out the formula for the total inside the three step stairs on a 10 x 10 grid.  Below is an example of just one of the three sets of stairs that I used to conduct my investigation:

I have worked out the formula for the total inside the three step stairs in a 10 x 10 grid

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Key: x = corner number

         t = total inside stairs

  1.  I worked out the common relationship with the numbers inside the stairs and to be accurate here are two examples:


= 6x+44

  1. Noticing that this is the total I realised that it is not so hard to work out the formula for the total.  Therefore due to the above diagram it is evident that the formula must be, 6x + 44.  It is easy to work out because there is six ‘x’s ...

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*** This mathematical investigation makes good use of algebraic expressions to analyse the relationship between numbers within varying grid sizes. It has a reasonable structure and the algebraic simplification is carried out effectively. Specific strengths and improvements have been suggested throughout.