Maths - Weight And Height Correlation

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I collected my data from the internet, my data is from a factious school called Mayfield high school but all the data are from real pupils.

The data consisted of name, gender, height, weight and Year group. All of the data were from year 11 and included male and female.

My investigation is hopefully going to prove that:-

  • males are taller than females in average
  • as you get taller you become heavier

I decided to collect the year 11 data because I am in year 11 also I can compare my own height and weight with the data I collected. I’m investigating this as this is a common idea and confidently I will succeed in proving that.

I have selected my data in a random style picking 20 girls and 20 boys; I chose 20 from each gender because they can represent the population of Mayfield high school. And with this data I will calculate the averages of the data for example mode, median, range. I will also put the data into dual bar charts and scatter graphs to help me to form a conclusion that can relate to my hypothesis.

First I will put my data into a table so it’s easier for me to find the mode, mean, median and ect. So I can interpret and understand the data more clearly, another way of to compare the data is to draw a dual bar chart and a scatter graph so I can compare and look if there is any pattern or correlation.

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As you can see I created a table for my data which I will use to create a dual bar chart, scatter graph and a cumulative frequencey chart.

The first thing I did with the table is finding out the mean median mode ect. And I have put them in table below:-

I have also produced a table showing my frequency, intervals and their midpoints and their totals below.

From the table above I was able to create 2 dual bar charts 1 for height and the other for weight as you can ...

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