Mayfield high data

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 Teacher: Mr Gareth West        Poetry 2005-06        St Edmunds College

Mathematics Coursework – Mayfield High Data

Line of investigation

The relationship between IQ and key stage 2 results.


  • Students' total key stage 2 results are better if their IQ is higher. – Girl’s total key stage 2 results are better if their IQ is higher. –Boy’s total key stage 2 results are better if their IQ is higher.
  • Students' key stage 2 math results are better if their IQ is higher. - Gender comparison.
  • Boys generally have higher IQs than girls.
  • Boys generally have higher key stage 2 results than girls.

Students’ total key stage 2 results are better if their IQ is higher

For this hypothesis I decided to take a random sample of 50 students from Mayfield High. These 50 students will be chosen at random using Microsoft Excel. The students that will be chosen randomly have been grouped together in one database, the years of the students range from year 7 to year 11. It will not make much difference from what year group they are in as all of the students have taken their IQ and key stage 2 tests at the same time.

After 50 random students were chose from the combined data using the formula, =RAND()*1183, I then added up the students key stage 2 results up using the auto sum button.


From graph 1 we can see that there is a positive correlation between the IQ results and students’ total key stage 2 results. The graph suggests that if a person has a higher IQ their total key stage 2 results will be higher; this is what I had to show for this hypothesis. Graph 1 show a sample of just 50 students randomly selected, so I could extend the sample which may make it more accurate or repeat it with different students to back up the result.

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Girl’s total key stage 2 results are better if their IQ is higher

For this extension to my first hypothesis I will see if girl’s key stage 2 results are better if they have a high IQ, as my first graph included boy’s and girl’s I would like to see if the same trend carries on for girl’s or if there is any difference.

I separated all of the males from the females and once again I took a random sample of 50 girls using Microsoft Excel. The girl’s key stage 2 results were added up using the ...

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