number stairs

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GCSE Maths        

Number Stairs

Part 1: For the other 3-step stairs, investigate the relationship between the stair total and the position of the stair shape on the grid.

Here we have a 10 by 10 grid. In the grid, there is a shape called the 3-step stair

The number at the bottom left of the 3-step stair is 25. This is called the Step-number.

The sum of all the numbers in the 3-step stair is 194.

25 + 26 + 27 + 35 + 36 + 45 = 194

This is called the Step-total.

I am going to investigate the relationship between the stair total and the position of the stair shape on the grid using the first step-number on the grid.

The first 3-step stair is made up of

1 + 2 + 3 + 11 + 12 + 21 = 50

If I move the 3-step stair 1 unit to the right, the 3-step stair would be made up of

        2 + 3 + 4 + 12 + 13 + 22 = 56

If I move the 3-step stair another unit to the right, the 3-step stair would be made up of

        3 + 4 + 5 + 13 + 14 + 23 = 62

I have created a table of a few results of the 3-step stairs

From this information, you can see that;

  1. Each 3-step stair can be divided evenly by 2
  2. Each step-total increases by 6 starting from 50
  3. The step-number goes up by 1 and the step-total goes up by 6. Therefore the ratio between the step-number and the step-total is 1:5
  4. I decided to investigate further and found that if I subtracted 2 from the step-total, I can divide each new step-total by 6. When I did this, each result I got increased by 1 starting from 8
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To create a formula, I first called the step-number n. I noticed that the step-number is always the biggest, so I created a formula to relate the step-total to the step-number.

Since all the numbers in the stair-shape adds up to the step-total, if I simplify all the values in the 3-step stair, I should get a formula for the step-total

n + (n + 1) + (n + 2) + (n + 10) + (n + 11) + (n + 20)        =        6n + 44

Therefore, the step-total should equal to 6n + 44

I called step-total t


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