O-X-O investigation

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O-X-O Investigation

In this investigation I will investigate the game noughts and crosses. My aim is to find out how many winning lines in a game. I will find out a rule for a regular game on a 3 by 3 grid using 3 in a row as the winning line. After I have a rule for the first grid I will then go on to find rules for several other grids and come up with a general rule. To further my investigation I will change the shape of the grid by changing the length and width and changing the number needed for a winning line. I also may investigate 3D grids and make an overall comparison between all my general rules to see if there is an overall rule for all lengths, widths, winning lines and shapes.

In this investigation on the grids the black is the outline of the grid and the red is to show how many winning lines there are. Also I will use some abbreviations in this investigation.



T= Number of squares needed for a winning line

S= Number of winning lines.

Investigation 1

I will start off by investigating square grids with the number of squares that the length and width is will be the number needed for a winning line

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i.e.  L=W=T


8 winning lines


10 winning lines


12 winning lines

I got this rule because you can see there is a gap of two between each number in the number of winning lines column so this must mean the rule must be something times 2. I am using the width in this case so I times that, so I no the first part of the formula is 2W. To find out the rest of the formula I simple times each ...

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