Squash Ball Investigation

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Squash Ball Investigation


A squash ball is a ball made out of rubber, which is hollow inside. There are wide ranges of squash balls you can get, they affect the bounce of the ball, and you can tell if a squash ball is different by feeling how soft or hard it is.

I am going to investigate the affect of squash balls dropped at different heights have on a squash ball I.E.: If the squash ball is dropped at a low height will it not bounce as good as it will bounce when dropped from a high height.

The variable I will change is the height of each squash ball dropped and I will investigate if a squash ball bounces better when it has dropped from a high height or a low height.


I predict that when the squashed ball is dropped from a high height it will bounce better than when it has been dropped from a low height. This is because when it is further away from the ground it has more potential energy to bounce back up again, and when a squash ball is dropped at a low height then it has less potential energy to bounce back up again.
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The equipment I will use.

Fair test

To make the experiment a fair test I will drop each squash ball 3 times and then I will calculate the average of my results and plot the average on my graph, the only variable I will change is the height of the squash ball dropped.

To make this a fair test I must also keep the squash balls at a constant temperature, because if a squash ball gets hot the particles in side it gain energy from the heat, and start moving around more quicker. This forces ...

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