T-Total Maths coursework

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Daniel Smith                Maths Coursework

Maths Coursework

T Total Introduction

In my maths casework I am investigating the relationship between the T-Number and the T-Total, throughout a range of different size grids. I am going to work out the rule for any size grid that is by 10, below is a 9 by 10 grid, the t is the coloured in bit and the red number is the T-Number.

                                                                So the T-Number is 50 in this 9X10 grid is 50. The T-Total for this T is all the numbers in the T added up 50+41+31+32+33=187

The T-Total would be 187 as this is all the coloured in squares added up.

So in my coursework I am going to use different grid sizes to translate the T-Shape to different positions .I will then investigate the relationship between the T-Number and the T-Total, and the grid size.

I am then going to use different size grids to try to work out Ts in all different ways. Like the grid below, I am going to work out rules for all the T-Numbers with the T standing different ways.

 This grid shows the ways in which I am going to work out the T- Number in different ways.

Looking for patterns and predicting the next T

9X10 Grids

I am first going to work out the T-Total for 5 consecutive Ts, starting at 20 and going up to 24.

T-Number = 20

T-Total = 37

T-Number = 21

T-Total = 42

T-Number = 22

T-Total = 47

T-Number = 23

T-Total = 52

T-Number = 24

T-Total = 57

This table shows that each time I move the T 1 place to the right that the T-Total goes up by 5.

From this I predict that for T-Number 25 will have a T-Total of 62. I will now prove my theory.

T-Number = 25

T-Total = 6+7+8+16+25 = 62

This shows that my prediction was correct, each time I move the T one place to the right that the T-Total increases by 5.  This is because each time the T moves one place to the right each number increase by 1, there are 5 numbers in the T, so the T-Total will increase by 5.


Now I am going to look into a rule for a T placed in the upright position using any T-Number in a 9X10 grid.

I am going to use the T with the numbers

From this I can see that there is a rule for the way that the numbers in the T are arranged and I can see that it is

From this I can see that on a 9 by 10 grid the formula equals

N + (N-9) + (N-18) + (N+17) + (N-19)

I can now simplify this by gathering up all the n terms and the numbers to make the formula 5N – 63

I will now prove this on a 9 by 10 grid using the numbers

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I will now use my formula to work out the T-Total

T-Total = 5N – 63

         = 210 - 63

         = 147

This shows that my formula works as the numbers in my T added up = 23+24+25+33+42 = 147.

So the overall rule for an upright T in a 9X10 grid would be 5N-63.

 I am now going to work out the rule for a T in the upright position for a 10X10 grid. I am going to work it out by doing the same thing as a 9X10 grid. Working out 5 Ts ...

This is a preview of the whole essay