The aim of this investigation is to investigate a factor which affects the length of the jump of a skier from a ramp using a model of a ski jump as shown.

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Hannah Proctor 3PAW

Practical Assessment – The ski jump.


        The aim of this investigation is to investigate a factor which affects the length of the jump of a skier from a ramp using a model of a ski jump as shown.


        H1 = the vertical height.

        H2 = the vertical drop once the skier leaves the ramp.

Results of preliminary trials.

        I conducted some preliminary trials to establish the range over which the variables will change here are my results.

I only recorded these readings once but from these results I can see a mean increase of 2⅔. I have decided to vary H1 (the vertical height of ramp) and record L (length of jump) to do this I will use a spirit level to ensure the level piece of wood is level, a metre long ruler calibrated in centimetres to measure the cm intervals and some sand for the tray to mark where the skier lands.


        I will release the skier from the ramp, measuring from the back of the marble, observe where in the sand it lands and record in relation to the height from which it was released. I will measure with a metre ruler calibrated in centimetre divisions to three significant figures. (As accurate as the ruler will allow) I chose this instrument because from my preliminary trials I decided it was the most appropriate and accurate device available. I will measure a minimum of seven steps and a maximum of twenty with an interval of one centimetre each; the starting point will be ten cm above the level piece of wood.

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        The dependent variable will be measured using the same metre ruler. After having released the skier I will measure the back edge of the crater formed by the marble on landing to the release point of the skier this will give me the distance in cm including the distance of x which is the horizontal distance between the release height of the skier and the edge of the landing tray which is filed with sand. Because x is constant I wil need to measure the egde of the tray to the point where the skier landed and add it to ...

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