The Dice Game - Probabilities.

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The Dice Game

Three players A, B, C play a game with a single dice.

The rules of the game are:

Player A ALWAYS goes first.

A rolls the dice.  If the dice lands showing a 1 then A wins the game.  If A does not throw a 1 then B has a turn.

B rolls the dice.  If the dice lands showing a 2 or a 3 then B wins the game.  If B does not throw a 2 or 3, then C has a turn.

C rolls the dice.  If the dice lands showing a 4 or a 5 or a 6 then C wins the game.  If C does not throw a 4 or a 5 or a 6 then A starts again.

The procedure continues until there is a winner.


  1. The probabilities of each A, B, or C winning the game.

  1. Who will be the most likely winner?

  1. The most likely length of the game in terms of the number of rolls of the dice to produce a winner.

I’ve decided to investigate question 1 out of the three.

Player A has to throw a 1 to win the game.  This means that in terms of probability, the probability that A will win is going to be (1/6).  The probability that A will loose is (5/6) because:

1 – (1/6) = (5/6)

Player B has to throw a 2 or a 3 to win the game.  This means that the probability that B will win would be (2/6), because:

(1/6) + (1/6) = (2/6)

The probability that B will loose would be (4/6) because that is the remainder of 1:

1 – (2/6) = (4/6)

Player C has to throw a 4 or a 5 or a 6 to win the game.  This means that the probability that C will win would be (3/6) because:

(1/6) + (1/6) + (1/6) = (3/6)

The probability that C will loose the game would be (3/6), because if you have the value that C will win, and take away the probability that C will win from that, you will get that result:

1 – (3/6) = (3/6)

From this information, I create a tree diagram like so:


Player A

Using this tree diagram, I can now try and find out the probability that A will win.

To begin with, P(A) wins on his first go would be (1/6).  However, if A doesn’t win on his first attempt, then to get a second go, A has to have lost, B has to have lost and C has to have lost in order for A to have another chance.  In essence, what is being said is:

“A will win on his first go, OR A will have lost and B would have lost and C would have lost and then A will have another go.”

To put this into a sum, using the probability rules of AND = ×, OR = +, I can begin to make this series:

P(A) = (1/6) + [(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6) × (1/6)] …

For A to try and win the third time if he looses the other two times, he would have lost twice, B would have lost twice and C would have lost twice before having another go, so if I dictated what would have happened for A to have a third go, this is what would have happened:

“A would have lost and B would have lost and C would have lost and A would have lost and B would have lost and C would have lost and then A would have another turn.”

To put this into terms of probability, the sum for A to have a third go would be this:

“P(A) on third go = [(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6)]² × (1/6)

There is one problem with trying to find out the probability of A winning, which is that the instructions do not specify when A will win the game.  This means that you could go on indefinitely saying that A might not have won the time before but might win the next time.  However, if I multiply the probability that nobody wins in a round by P(A), I will have a series like this:

[(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6) × P(A)] = [(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6) × (1/6)] + [(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6)]² × (1/6) …

The first term of this series would be [(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6) × (1/6)] because that is the same as multiplying P(A) by the probability that nobody wins in a round, which is the expression on the left side of the equals sign.  If I line these series up one under the other, I will have something that looks like this:

                               P(A)  = (1/6) + [(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6) × (1/6)] + {[(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6)]² × (1/6)} + …

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[P(A) × (5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6)] = [(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6) × (1/6)] + {[(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6)]² × (1/6)} + {[(5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6)]³ × (1/6)} + …

I noticed that if I take away [(P(A) × (5/6) × (4/6) × (3/6)] from P(A), then it would cancel out the two coloured terms.  This means that you would not have to take into account the question of when player A will win.  You would end up with the values in bold if that procedure was carried out, and it would look like this:

P(A) – ...

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