The Phi function.

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Maths Coursework

The Phi function

The phi function says that for any positive integer such as n the phi is Φ(n) and is defined as the number of positive integers, less than n which have no factor (other than 1) in common which means that they are co prime with n. If we take for example the phi of various numbers we will find that there is some relationship between them and I will investigate this relationship throughout.

I will also be investigating the results and the formulae for Φ(n2) and thus the formula for Φ(nx).

For example Φ(20) = 8

This was obtained by the following ways

First, list all the factors of 20 and all the numbers till 20.

1,2,4,5,10,20  These numbers can immediately be cancelled from the list of numbers till 20. The remaining numbers are 3,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19. But the numbers 6,8,12,14,15,16,18 can also be cancelled out because one of their factors is the same as the factor for 20 and so cannot be considered. So from the following list

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 and so the final numbers remaining are 1,3,7,9,11,13,17 and 19 and so  Φ(20) = 8

This way we can draw a table as is shown on the next page to find out the Φ values for all the numbers till 40. The table is shown on the next page. By using this table we will investigate further on the relationships of the values.

We will find the value of various numbers such as

Φ(3) = 2

Φ(8) = 4

Φ(11) = 10

Φ(24) = 8

The value of Φ(n) has to be investigated so we will see when n is different numbers. For the first case we will take n to be all odd numbers.


From this list we can see that at first the pattern looks like as through it will be the multiples of 2 as the number of n increases. But as we see the phi value for 7 and 9 is the same and so we cannot take this observation into consideration. Also we cannot say that as n increases the value of Φ(n) also increases. There is another observation however. The phi value for all odd numbers that are not prime increases by multiples of 2. For example the Φ(9)= 6 and then the Φ(15)=8 and the Φ(21)=12 and Φ(25)=20. If we arrange all these results as 6,8,12,20 we will see that the difference between them is 2,4,8. So we can see that the difference has to multiplied by 2. This means that the value of the latter odd number that is not a prime number will be more than that of the preceding odd number that is not prime. There is also a formula that can be applied here. It will be that the phi of an odd number is equal to the phi of the number double it. The formula Φ(n)= Φ(2n) where n is any odd number. For example: Φ(11) = 10. According to this rule the Φ(22) should also be 10 and this is true. Φ(13) = 12 and thus Φ(26) is also 12. This has been proved.

The next will be for even numbers. This is where n is an even number.

As we can see that there is no distinguished pattern that can show that the phi values are increasing or decreasing as n increases or decreases. However there is a formula  2[Φ(n)] = Φ(2n)

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This formula cannot be used to find out the Φ values for the number. It is just a relationship formula.

For example Φ(8) = 4. We multiply the result by 2 giving us 8. Now we check what 2n is. 2n is 16. So Φ(16) should be equal to 8 and Φ(16) is equal to 8.

We can take another number such as 10. The Φ(6) = 2 and then we multiply it by 2 and get 4. The Φ(12) should also be 4. This is true because Φ(12) = 4.

There is also another relationship formula.  It is ...

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