This is a 3-step stair. The total of the numbers inside the step square shape is 25+26+27+35+36+45=194. The total for this step square is 194.

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David Drew


This is a 3-step stair. The total of the numbers inside the step square shape is 25+26+27+35+36+45=194. The total for this step square is 194.

Part 1

For other 3-step step squares investigate the relationship between the stair total and the position of the stair shape on the grid.

In red is another example which there doesn’t appear to be a relationship with the step-square in blue.

As we look into the Step Square we say the bottom left hand corner is X and the others come after in the same formula

When all the numbers and X’s are put together we get the following formula – 6X + 44 as there is 6 squares with X in them and we add the numbers that follow to get an otherall formula. This formula can be used to find out the total of that the Step Square using the bottom left hand corner.

We can prove this with an example. If the bottom left hand corner number were 4 the formula would be 6 x 4+44= 68 or without the formula 4+5+6+14+15+24=68. This proves that the method works for a three-step formula.

Part 2

Aim : The aim of the next part of the project is to find out what a 3x3 4x4 5x5 or any other step square would be in a 10x10 grid.

I will do this by finding the formula like in part one for a 4x4, 5x5 and 6x6 step square and proving they work.

The numbers in blue are the numbers in a 4x4 step square.


The X’s for the step square are as follows


All the X’s in the formula add up to 10 and all the numbers add up to 110 so the formula for this square is: -

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We can check this by doing another step square

If use the formula for all the numbers in red we get 10 x 5 + 110 = 160 and if we add up all the numbers: -


So as we can see the formula works.

Now I will do a 5x5 step square on a 10x10 grid


I will now draw a 10x10 grid and mark on in blue the 5x5 step square.

The formula for all these numbers are as shown below.


Here as shown all the X’s add up to 15 and all ...

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