Transformation Patterns. Our aim was to take different 3 digit number patterns and make a pattern that was instructed in the worksheet, and then find a correlation between the pattern of numbers and the line of symmetry and the order of rotation.

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BY Naman Shah & Aman More


Our aim was to take different 3 digit number patterns and make a pattern that was instructed in the worksheet, and then find a correlation between the pattern of numbers and the line of symmetry and the order of rotation.  For example if the number chosen was X,Y,Z then we were first supposed to take a starting point, and facing up the page go x square forward and turn 90 degrees clockwise. Then we were to go y squares forward and turn 90 degrees clockwise and then go z square forward and turn 90 degrees. We were to repeat these instructions until we got the starting point.  

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We used the software MSWLOGO to create the shapes using the number patterns and formulae to repeat the pattern. Our formula basically gave the instructions: repeat (move x units forward, then turn 90 degrees, now move y units forward, then again turn 90 degrees, finally move z units forward and turn 90 degrees) 4 times. This caused the pattern to be repeated until the time it got back to the starting point (the small square). Using observation, we found the number of lines of symmetry (if any) for each shape, along with the order of rotation. We used this ...

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An interesting piece of work. Most of the examples of reflective and rotational symmetry are accurate but there could have been more exhaustive patterns in the summary. 3 stars