In all the adverts they all look as though they are having a great time. This suggests to the target audience that drinking Coke is associated with ‘having fun’.
Both Television and magazine adverts are located outside taking place in public places. In a café or out in the countryside, all places where teenagers like to hang out. Even the people shown inside are placed near a window. They are all situated in places, which enables them being in touch with the outdoors. Being in the open air indicates sun, warmth and most important of all freedom, everything a teenager craves for.
The images of the people convey a strong sense of energy, individuality, movement and vitality. No matter what the people featured in the advertisement are showed doing the advert portrays them of enjoying themselves. Talking on the phone or sitting by the window reading a book are examples of the everyday, common things that young people refer to as being boring, dull and dreary are made to seem in the advert of being really good and interesting all due to the addition of the drink Coca Cola in their lives. This indicates that Coca Cola makes life worth living for no matter what personality or life style you contain. Parts of a television advertise showed a young man in public dancing along to music drinking coke. He raised both of his hands after taking a sip of the drink as though saying he has accomplished something. The man looked as though he was on the way to work.
This suggests to the audience that if they drink coca cola they will too feel the sense of fulfilment and success. The man also seems to be oblivious to other people’s reactions around him. Due to many teenagers being very self- conscious this hints to the fact that they no longer have to worry about it as Coke will give them the confidence and satisfaction they need in public.
All the adverts are dominated by the colour red. This gives a bright, bubbly, lot of energy, loving and not to mention lively atmosphere. The colour adds, backs up the people’s behaviour.
Red as well as creating a sense of energy, is associated with Coca Cola. When red is detected in an advert it is straight away linked to Coke.
Despite the fact that Coca Cola can be recognised just from its colour, the advertisements all contain both product and logo along with a very short slogan.
The slogan is written using bouncy, energetic, free-flowing letterings. This is done, as the advertisers want the above qualities to be associated with their product. Even the people featured in the magazine advertisements are showed when drinking Coca Cola with their backs curved or in some way another relaxed.
The products name-Coca Cola is high and is placed on top of the page in magazine adverts indicating the importance of it. It is again curved into a flexible shape.
The slogan is very small and very short
“You can’t beat the feeling”
“Coke is it!”
It is placed on the bottom right hand corner. This identifies that the advertisers are trying to persuade people to buying the product through emotive pictures and not words which prove to be the most effective as evidence is shown.
When observing television advertisements for Coca Cola I found that all the people whether they were alone or with someone seemed to be enjoying themselves. They were full of energy and very happy. They were constantly smiling and dancing.
The adverts are quite devious as they are trying to sell their product by portraying false images and indicating that not only will you be buying a drink but will be buying some kind of perfection and are improving your personality. They do this by featuring the stereotypical type people in the adverts. People who have ‘to die for figures’. Everyone who is showed drinking Coke have the perfect bodies as well as being healthy and full of life. These are the qualities which people have a longing, desire for.
The strange thing is that people tend to fall for this trap. They tend to miss the obvious, that a full of sugar and so unhealthy drink cannot give you the healthy, perfect body that they desire for. People have a tendency to dismiss the factor that the images shown are very obviously posed and idealised, as the advert is busy making them envious of the people featured in the advert and making them wanting to go out and buy their product straight away. An example of this is that when the advert showed a couple of dancers holding the drink and dancing, the shot lingered on their flat stomachs, thighs and hips. Giving the impression that Coca Cola can give you the above. The dancers are used as evidence of this perceptive. When watching them, people (especially women) start to envy them.
The message that comes across from the advertises is
“But this and live our kind of life” -one where everything is ideal and just right. By showing what seem to be perfect looking people drinking Coca Cola, it is portraying to others that they too can achieve what all of the people shown have, just by buying Coke, which will make them beautiful, skinny and perfect as well as giving them a fantastic social life as the majority of advertises show more than one person enjoying themselves.
By making the people act in outrageous ways which in the real world nobody would dream of doing- somersaulting on top of one another outside a café adds the main ingredient- HUMOUR in the advertise which helps in making them work and taken notice of.
When the television advertisement first comes on the music, bright colour and the liveliness’ catches everyone’s eye.
The music used is loud, fast and very energetic. At the start it starts off fast and then after a couple of beats, three short and sharp notes are used. This is in order to tell the audience what is going on after the advertisers have captured the audiences attention. It is more or less a wake up call which then continues with the tune.
The three short and sharp notes are filled with three Coca Cola bottles again informing the audience what the advertisement is about, it is also working on their gluttony as the coke bottles have ice tinkling around it making them wanting to reach out and grab it.
The music used is so full of life that it makes anyone who is listening to it want to get up and start dancing. It is lively, energetic and most important of all draws attention. The words to the tune are very easy to remember as they are mainly repeating the slogan. Because the tune is really catchy the song is easily remembered and sticks in the mind. The tune that is sung gas an American accent which attracts, appeals to people more as it is a change from their own accents.
Overall in conclusion I feel that Coca Cola’s success throughout the world is mainly due to it’s advertising campaign as it is the advertises that portray that by buying Coca Cola it will not only get rid of your thirst but will be giving you the confidence, energy, and a perfect lifestyle you want. It also implies that not only will you be buying Coke but you will be buying the ‘American Dream’. Advertisement is one of the main reasons that Coco Cola has been so successful as the adverts allow people to identify the product easily. The advert helps attract consumer attention as they are bright, relaxing and most important of all they all show Coco Cola’s logo so people are able to recognise it easily.