Behaviour And The Media.

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Craig Pedder


Behaviour And The Media

Mrs O’Neill


Centre Number: 40209

Candidate Number: 9312

Behaviour And The Media

        I have chosen to do my coursework on connections between behaviour and the media, for example does violence in the media encourage people who view it to be violent? And does the media give the impression criminals often do not get caught. The topics I have chosen to do my study from are ‘crime’ and also ‘the media’.

        I have chosen to do this study because I think it will be interesting to know what affects, if any, the media has on people’s behaviour also it may give some insight into why people behave badly. So by doing this study I aim to find out if the media shows too much crime and if it is shown during inappropriate times in films and television programs.

        Questions I want answered in doing this are things such as how much of the media shows strong acts of deviance, what time do people watch television, how much television they watch and does this affect peoples behaviour.



Research Methods

        Methods I am going to use to do my research are,

  • Covert observation – observing peoples behaviour as they come out of the cinema to see if their behaviour mimics of reflects the behaviour of the film they watched.
  • Questionnaire – to find out peoples favourite film genre, and how they would rate their behaviour.
  • Survey – on what programs are shown, the time they are shown and their contents in terms of deviance and crime.

        I chose these methods of research because seeing people’s behaviour first hand would be better than to ask staff at the cinema and security for example. The reason it is better to study the behaviour first hand is that if I get information on peoples behaviour second hand the person I am getting the information from may lie or over exaggerate or even forget things.

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        People who have done research similar to what I am doing have found different things and come up with different conclusions on the matter. The following is a collection of some people who have studied this topic, or something similar, previously and what they found:

Dr. Susan Bailey

        Dr. Bailey came to the conclusion that films and videos etc do not make young people kill, however she does think that the films ...

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