Car Market Segmentation.

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Car Market Segmentation

The market for cars is just like an orange. It is divided into different segments. There are hundreds of different cars to suit everyone’s needs. They are designed to match various people’s needs and tastes. For example it is unlikely that you will see a family of six people in the latest sports car. People in this situation are more likely to a people carrier that has more room and seats.

The market for the car industry today is segmented like this:

Then ‘income’ is also split in to section:


To answer the question ‘How does a car company segment the market?’ I chose to look at two large car manufactures, Renault and Honda and sent out a letter to the companies. I then received information and adverts from the companies. To follow this up I then analyzed two Renault adverts and one Honda advert to see how the car was segmented.


Advert 1 Laguna

I think that the car advertised will be for either male or female as the have used cool blues and whites which look very classy and elegant. The surroundings around the car are all blurred, which shows speed which appeals to males as that tend to enjoy adrenalin rushed trough cars. However the plain, non – detailed backgrounds appeal to females as it show that the car is a way of escape.

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The car might be aimed for customers over the age on 25 or in a professional job. This is because the car is large and is much like cars driven by business men. I don’t think that this would be for anyone who has just passed their driving test as it is a large car and people who have recently passed tend to buy smaller car to start off with, as the price for insurance and petrol are lower and suit their income status more.

The car might be aimed for single or married customers. However it could also be ...

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Well structured look at the topic with some analysis of the texts. However, the student needs to evaluate the texts in much more detail, perhaps looking at issues of ethnicity and stereotyping within the media in order to improve. ***