English homework
Anna Harju 6.5.2004
Comparative essay on ghosts
- When comparing two different types of texts, there is a criterion to be followed with. The two passages to be compared are completely different text types, but yet similar. The first text, “Ghost” is taken from a book called “Human Personality and Its Survival after Bodily Death” by a psychologist studying paranormal phenomena called F.W. Myers. His book was based on his personal real-life experiences with ghosts. The other text was founded on a story by Algernon Blackwood, “The Willows”. It is a ghost fairy-tale based on the writer’s imagination.
“Ghost” is apart of a book written for people who are interested in psychic phenomena and medium ship; ghosts. It is written for people to recognize observable phenomenon, which the writer Myers studies as a psychologist. People interested in this topic must be of an elderly age with higher education standards. The text is written in form of a third person, with no “I”, “you” or “they”. This shows that it is a factual piece of writing, not a story. Might sound a bit humoristic to say the word “factual” when talking about ghosts, but Myers’ point was to make it clear, that ghosts do exist in this world. The structure of the text is very normal, like any other form of text, with 18 lines and two paragraphs; one short and the other long. The first paragraph consists of 4 lines, which sets an introduction to the second paragraph by saying, “Ghosts, of various guises, are believed in to some degree in all societies”. From lines 5 to 15 is the explanation of the ghosts and how they have been misinterpreted. From lines 16 to 18 is the conclusion of the lack of evidence to prove to the society that ghosts really do exist, 100%. The tone of the writer seems to be very serious, and very persuasive towards ghosts. His tone makes the reader want to believe; well that’s what it did to me at least. It really shows how grave he is towards this topic, which makes his reader’s at least be a bit more interested. The imagery used is not the same as used in poems. “Candle flames or keyholes… much larger… transferred to a distant wall”, this made me picture myself lying down in my bed and seeing a reflection of keyhole against the opposite wall due to the light outside my room. This makes a person scared and makes their imagination go wild, but for nothing, and as a psychologist he uses the term “visual illusions” which plays mind games with our heads.
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