How do advertisements appeal to a target audience?

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How do advertisements appeal to a target audience?

What is advertising?

Advertising is a way to send out its product to the public and while sending out the product, they aim to inform and persuade the public to buy the product. But that’s not all about advertising. Roger Thomas wrote the book ‘advertising’ and he describes advertising as ‘any form of public announcement that is designed to promote that sale of a particular goods or services, or to persuade a group of people to carry out a particular course of action’. But, Roger Thomas goes on to say that, that definition is one of many others, which means advertising is not the only way to ‘persuade persuade to want things, or to agree with your viewpoint’. So, what are the other things that make up advertising? Maybe having a target audience?

What is a target audience? A target audience are the people that the advertising company are targeting to buy a product. Without the target audience there would no one buying the product, so the advertising employee’s would be out of a job. So, the target audience are what the advertising companies consider as their top priority and main concern for the product, and whatever the people want, then that’s what they are going to get. (Or at least what they know will make them money is what they will market to the people).

You have to consider these things before picking your certain audience:

  • Age, Sex, Race, How big their family is, How much they are earning, How far they have got in their education, How old they are.

You also have to consider what kind of environment you are going to target your product to be sold in. whether it’s going to be

  • In the United Kingdom or any other part of the world (e.g. America, Japan)
  • Urban or rural environments
  • Inner city or suburban

When you publicise something, you communalise it to the public. When communicating your promotional product to the public, you need to keep to things in perspective. These are informing and persuading. Advertising can often be set in these two groups, and it’s hard to promote your product unless you have taken it through these two points.

When your selling you product you have to inform the people your selling it to, so they know what they are buying. It’s vital that they know the basic points like:

  • What the product looks like
  • The product availability
  • The price
  • The after-sales services
  • The quality
  • The style
  • The taste (but not in all cases)

It’s not only the customers that need to be informed about the product, many other companies need to be like:

  • Public relations
  • Direct mail
  • Employees
  • Shareholders
  • Local communities and
  • Government departments like to be part of the product.

Telling people about the product is easier than trying to change their minds to buy the product. In other words ‘persuading is harder than informing’. When persuading you have to change what a person thinks about that creation, and convince them that they would be better off buying for their own benefit. The point of persuading is to make people change their minds, buy the new product, buy the old product, or continue buying the old product, and to tell a friend about the product so that the news spreads.

There are so many different ways products can be advertised to the public

  • Television commercials, Radio, Billboard advertisements, Internet, on the bus, Posters, Telling friends (word of mouth), Telephone, Newspaper articles, Letters.

One of the biggest ways of advertising these days is by the Internet. This is simply because wherever you are, and whoever you are, you can access the Internet, and you can send messages to all over the world. This makes it easier for the rest of the world to know about your new products.


I have chosen an advert called ‘World Vision’, which is similar to an Oxfam advert. The advert is campaigning for help, for the children.

The age of these children would be approximately between the ages 3 to 9 years old. They are innocent little children who can’t fend for themselves. Their facial expressions portray the torment and struggle they have had to endure, and are still enduring. Their faces and surroundings also show their poverty. Some of the children are crying. They were born into poverty, and are still living in poverty. Some of the children are facing the camera directly and giving us a solemn message saying ‘I need your help’, and ‘please help me’. No words are even needed, you can see through their eyes that they are tired, and sick of living the way they do. They are sick of their family getting sick and passing away because of the diseases, and lack of food and water.

Join now!

Many of the children cant even face the camera. This shows us the pain that they are feeling. They can’t face the world. The pain and the world are overtaking the little strength they have left to cry out.

The children in the advert are sitting directly in font of the camera, and I can tell they have been told to do this, as this is what would appeal to the viewers.

The advertisements only briefly spoke upon one girl called ‘Adelia’. They said and wrote that she was ‘seven years of age, an orphan living by ...

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