How Does Amnesty International Persuade the Reader to take on an Active Interest in its Organisation & the People it Helps? Consider the Structure, Organisation, Layout of the Material, the Context of the Article, and the Use of Language & Linguistic Devi

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How Does Amnesty International Persuade the Reader to take on an Active Interest in its Organisation & the People it Helps? Consider the Structure, Organisation, Layout of the Material, the Context of the Article, and the Use of Language & Linguistic Devices

        The piece of text that I am examining is an advertisement by the charity Amnesty International. Amnesty International is a worldwide organisation that helps free political prisoners and give them a fair trial; campaigns for human rights, and aids refugees. The advertisement is a double page spread of a magazine supplement, from a Sunday newspaper. Sunday newspapers have a wide circulation. Sunday is also the day when most people have more time to read the newspaper so they can easily take an active interest by reading the reading the whole article as they have the time. Also, there is a lot more time for the article to persuade the reader.


        The structure of the article is important to persuade the reader to take an active interest in Amnesty. The article is split into four sections. The first two sections are about individual people, Sallay Goba and Marie. The third section is about the global problem of refugees and the last one about what the reader can do to help. As the reader reads through the text, they are gradually forced to become involved as the article implicates blame with the reader. “It would be nice to think that if she had managed to reach Britain, we would have helped her.” This quote suggests that we would not have helped her. The four blocks are easily seen by their separate headings, aiding the ease and speed of access. The text is easier to read and access if it is in blocks of text.

        The picture of Sallay Goba takes up more than half of one page and cannot be missed. This picture is used to activate the reader’s interest in the article. The picture uses the shock factor to make the reader more emotional. The article shows a graphic picture of Sallay’s hands cut off, which makes the reader so shocked and horrified that they want to read on to discover what the story is about. The picture is visually emotive, with Sallay’s face looking distressed. This instantly plays on the reader’s emotions. There is also a quote at the top of the article next to the picture. The significance of this quote is to give the woman an identity and making it more personalised.  The quote also makes the reader feel close to the woman.

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The leading paragraph is used to make the reader take an active interest in Amnesty. The paragraph uses facts such as "Every twenty seconds...a refugee is created". This makes the paragraph more effective as it gives us information about the problems facing refugees. This may make some people want to help the situation by taking an active interest, thus reading the rest of the article. The paragraph uses personal pronouns, implicating the blame on us. "Every one of us bears the responsibility" makes us feel like the guilty ones; people don't want this feeling and therefore take action. The ...

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