How does Steven Spielberg create tension to scare the audience in the film jaws?

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How does Steven Spielberg create tension to scare the audience in the film jaws?

The film Jaws was directed in 1975 by the world famous director Steven Spielberg. The film is about a giant blood thirsty great white shark who terrorises the small seaside community of Amity island. When the shark attacks a number of people, the sheriff is forced to hire three fishermen who try to catch it and save the small island. The 4th of July is the date in which the film is set, this shows that Spielberg has thought carefully about the date as it would be a warm evening and the hot day would bring a lot of potential victims into the path of the man eating shark. The film develops in such away that I keeps the audience on the edge of there seats and keep wanting to watch.

The repetition of the same music really empathises the damage the shark can create and the overall power of the great white. The slow pulse of spine chilling orchestral music, accompanied by the clever camera angles of Spielberg, hints to the audience that something horrifying is about to happen. The music in the film runs in sync with the shark in the attacks, for example, whenever the shark is near to or at the the point before attacking it's victims it has its own music which is made to build up tension. This is because when you hear that music you know it's the shark and that something bad is going to happen, although there are parts in the film where you hear the music but nothing really happens. Two other examples of where music or silence is used to build up tension is when the radio is playing on the beach, then after the attack happens it turns silent and when all the party goers are sitting around the the fire before the first attack and the music is playing cheerfully, this contrasts on what we know as the audience is going to happen.

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In the second attack the kids of amity island are playing in the sea whilst the parents  are watching and sun bathing. Suddenly the shark attacks a small boy. As well as the music Spielberg's brilliant use of camera angles in the film also play a big part in creating tension in the audience. For example, when the shark is stalking its victim the camera angle changes to the sight of jaws. This makes a stronger connection between the audience and  jaws. This is because it makes them feel like they are part of the film. As soon as ...

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*** This essay has some good features. The candidate has identified a variety of ways that tension has been created, using camera, sound and dialogue. They could be more specific about use of camera. The essay lacks key media terms and these need to be included.