How successfully is a dysfunctional family portrayed in "Little Miss Sunshine?"

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Amir Salimy                      English C/W             Ms: Logan

How successful is dysfunctional family portrayed in little miss sunshine?

Little miss sunshine demonstrates how unpredictable a family can be and regardless of that it also teaches us how hope and desire can be achieved. Olive Hoover is a seven-year-old girl has a huge dream to win the beauty pageant, which is one of the most spectacular events for cute girls who dance imaginatively, sing marvelously and tells entertaining jokes.

Olive’s father Richard is a committed teachers and a struggling motivational speaker trying to sell ‘nine steps to success’ package.

Olive’s mum Cheryl is a strong character whom wants to bring the family together. Dwayne is also a strong character with a magnificent dream. He is determined to be silent till he joins the air force academy.

Uncle Frank is a little-cheeky homosexual man who is extremely intelligent.

Richards’s dad is a drug addict and the opposite of what we expect.

I am going to analyse three important scenes in the film to show how far eccentric a family is demonstrated.


In the opening scene all the family are shown separately and are busy in a part of their daily routine.

Olive is rehearsing how to be beauty queen copying the famous model scene and holding her Tummy while copying her.

Dwayne is preparing himself for a competition and doing different types of workout for certain parts of his body and then ticking the calendar, which shows he is working towards something and is determined to achieve it.

Cheryl is smoking, driving and talking on the phone with Richard, this is really strange because it is illegal to do so and despite that she is lying to her husband by saying “I am not smoking” when she is as well as arguing that his brother Frank should stay on their house because he has no where else to go. Relationship between Richard and Cheryl is really remarkable because it is inappropriate for wife to speak with her husband like that. Cheryl lying to his husband depicts that she is disrespecting him in good way to bring the family together but it is still strange.

Olive is mirroring how to be a famous beauty queen and she has been chosen as the finalist in C.M.S.

Richard is a motivational speaker and a persuasive person and is saying, “you got two kind of people on this world a winner and a loser if you want to be the winner learn my nine steps program for succeeding” this shows that he is curious and peculiar for his student to learn his nine steps and also he wants his students to be like him always ‘winner’.

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When Richard comes back from his work he sees Frank on the dinner table with Dwayne and Richard say this to Frank “So glad you are here that makes one of us” this is a weird thing to say by Richard because he himself is a teacher and should have said a warm-welcome but he is saying the opposite of what we really assume. This also shows how far a family unpredictable can be despite their intelligence, relationship is far more than worse.

At the beginning of the film there is violin music being played to create a ...

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