Similarly, ‘Freedom Finance’ uses mainly a similar approach and style of language as the ‘Lombard Direct’ leaflet.
The second main similarity between the leaflets is the appeals that they have to the reader. Both ‘Lombard direct and ‘Freedom Finance’ when advertising. These are power and achievement. Power is a desire that every man wants, maybe not so much the physical power but the financial power. Adults want to be able to run a stable life and have a stable family, so if they are told that they can achieve a luxurious bank balance they should be content. This is targeted by using emotive words like ‘.commitment.’ and ‘..secured.’.
If someone or something can portray an image where achievement seems so easy, the audience can’t help but be persuaded to look deeper. Both adverts suggest many ways in which they can give you a helping hand. One of these is the image in the middle of ‘Lombard Direct’ with the tour guide look. In this case the reader is enticed into what is really the identical twin to a Venus flytrap. Using emotive word targets this again, ‘. Easier…payable.’
The background in both adverts is one of the main differences. In an advert the colour is one of the first things that you see which could be fatal. If a colour is off-putting, the advert will not be read. ‘Lombard Direct’ uses a yellow colour as their background. Yellow is a stimulating colour but can sometimes suggest a more aggressive type of atmosphere. If something is really bright (like yellow) it can seem too blatant and obvious; therefore the reader may be put off.
In contrast, ‘Freedom Finance’ uses an aqua blue colour for their background. This suggests water and possibly purity, so readers may think that the advert is clean; no catches. In the background there is the image of a moon’s surface with the foot logo on it. This supports the appeal of achievement and therefore connects with the other emotive sections.
When I look at both leaflets I can see a lot of comparisons that are similar. One of these is the tone. In the ‘Lombard Direct’ leaflet I can highlight a formal, powerful and aggressive tone. The advert is also very informative which adds to the other tones and makes them more powerful and persuasive. It does this by answering most of the questions that the reader will think about at a first glance. This makes it easier to relate to and therefore is emotive and persuasive.
The ‘Freedom Finance’ leaflet has much the same tone as the ‘Lombard Direst’ leaflet, what with the answers to questions and quite basic but important information. From this we can tell that this category of tones may suit best with the purpose of the advert.
There are a few differences between the two adverts; one of these is the style of print. ‘Freedom Finance’ use a rounded, circular shaped print which suggests simplicity and possibly gives out a friendly atmosphere. This leaflet also has the world ‘Freedom’ in bigger font than everything else. This is persuasive because when on the subject of finance, any person will want to be free of any debts etc. Therefore, when a person sees the word ‘Freedom’ they may feel that this company will give them that.
In contrast with ‘Freedom Finance’, ‘Lombard Direct’ use capital lettered font and dark colours. It also has extremely small print at the bottom. This could suggest that they don’t really want the reader to take in all of that information. They intend for the reader to be drawn into the middle of the page and see the caption,
‘A personal loan over the phone.’
They will then see the number at the bottom and possibly ring, rather than reading all of the information. This could be very persuasive but I think that in this context it could be off-putting.
Both adverts use an image on their leaflets. ‘Lombard Direct’ use a cartoon based telephone image almost central on their advert. This is a visual aid that is very persuasive because it is eye catching. The telephone is also slightly humorous and emotive; therefore it gives a subtly friendly atmosphere. Similarly the phone cartoon image suggests simplicity. This may seem inviting to the reader and may attract them.
The ‘Freedom Finance’ advert uses a foot as their image. Consequently this suggests simplicity, as it is a step; a move forward or the way to go. This leaflet also adds another image at the top of the leaflet. It is a moon with a footprint upon it and underneath it says,
‘Someone’s found freedom’
From this we can tell that the company want the reader to think that they will be free if they choose them, Free of all debts and financial problems.
If I were to do some kind of variation of this advertising method, I would present it as a billboard. When doing this I would use a financial focus and a powerful and formal tone. I wouldn’t cloud the advert with statistics; I would just include the central image, a slogan along with a company name and telephone number. To make it there is a small example that I have created near to the end.
In conclusion I would like to emphasize the fact that both leaflets are very alike. They are similar in numerous ways and have very few differences. Therefore they are both very persuasive to the correct target audience. The ‘Freedom Finance’ advert is slightly more effective than the ‘Lombard Direct’ advert. I think this on the basis that that the image in an advertisement is very important. ‘Freedom finance’ have an image that relates well to the advert. It is also more effective because of the background colour and style of print.