Inside pages: using MS Publisher

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Version 1

Front and Back page

First I inserted a line; this indicates to me that it is splitting the front page and back page. This was then followed up by a textbox on the back page for the surgery times, emergencies and contact number. The last thing I did on the back page was inserting the logo, address, telephone number and surgery name these were imported from the Shared area. The front page included a text box for the title and a hamster picture. The hamster picture was imported from the Shared area.

Inside pages

The inside pages only consisted of two text boxes and a hamster picture. One would take up nearly all of one inside page and the other just a bit over half an inside page. Then I went to the Shared area for a hamster picture. This picture was similar to the front page hamster picture but was not the same.

Version 2

Front and back pages

First I opened the program Microsoft Publisher to carry on my implementation of Task 1. I had got the information of the surgery times, emergencies and contact number from the Shared area. I typed this in the text box I inserted earlier. Then I went onto the front page to produce the title. This was done in Microsoft Word and was imported into Microsoft Publisher.

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Inside Pages

First of all I open the program, because it is separate. I carry on the work by adding the text. The text could not fit in the frame. So I had to rearrange the font size to make it smaller. Now that the text was added I can carry on to put colour in the leaflet.

Version 3

Front and back pages

Now I needed to add any design features I need. So the main design features, which was needed was the colour in the leaflet. S o I added the colour in both these pages ...

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