Opening Sequence of The dark Knight

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How do mise-en-scene and cinematography create meaning and audience response in the opening sequence from 'The Dark Knight'?

Meaning is created in film through the use of the micro elements. In order for films to be successful in attracting audience, they need to have the right features to generate different meanings. Mise-en-scene is one of the micro features which include everything you seen in the frame. It's refers to everything that appears before the camera, and its arrangement such as, sets, props, actors, and costumes. It also includes the positioning and movement of actors on the set, which is called blocking. Overall, mise-en-scene is used when the director wishes to give an impression of the characters or situation without vocally articulating it through the framework or spoken dialogue, and typically does not represent a realistic setting. The common example is that of a cluttered, disorganized apartment being used to reflect the disorganization in a character's life in general, or a spartanly decorated apartment to convey a character with an 'empty soul', in both cases specifically and intentionally ignoring any practicality in the setting. For some, it refers to all elements of visual style- that is, both elements on the set and aspects of the camera. Another micro feature is cinematography, which can generate different meanings. Different moods and atmosphere can be created by using different camera angles and distances from character and objects. For example, a close up shot of gun in a crime/action movie can generate a sense of death and fearfulness. I have chosen mise-en-scene and cinematography as the micro elements I will analyse. The film I am studying is 'The Dark Knight', directed and co-written by Christopher Nolan, 2008. The sequence I have chosen is in the opening bank robbery scene, as strategy is a theme introduced immediately. I feel that this scene is one of the most powerful openings and it foreshadows the chaos and tempo in the story.

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The opening sequence begins as the lights dimmed, the first images were revealed, of a gleaming and bright with an overpowering view of Gotham City, this establish the location and the setting. The camera cuts to a tracking shot on a building when suddenly the calm is shattered, quite literally, by a broken window, which suppose to make the audience feel that they being led somewhere. At the same time, it starts off with a non-digectic sound, mostly a loud siren noise underscored later with a pulsing beat, which creates suspense and tension. It then shows a close-up shot ...

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