To make the ‘Mexicano’ advert I had to carry out some research among my target audience, to do this I created a questionnaire, asking my target audience what they would like to see in an advert, most people that I asked told me that they would like the adverts they watch to be exciting, and energetic.
To prepare for making this advert I also did an analysis of the ‘Channel No 5’ advert starring Nicole Kidman. This helped toward my advert as it showed different ways of appealing to my audience, and the different types of advertising techniques that I could use. For example; dramatisation, demonstration, and song and dance productions.
Mexicano is a dramatisation advert, which tells of a few teenagers who are at school, with nothing they can do, then they eat some of the mexicano pizza and suddenly they are able to do what they want, and they have the talent to do it.
The general idea behind this plot is to appeal to student teenagers who find some things at school or college not exciting or not interesting.
The three main characters I have used are all students that are teenagers.
They are wearing a school uniform and sitting at a desk in a library area.
I felt that by setting a scene of school with actual students would make the advert look and sound more convincing.
Their facial expressions change a bit throughout the advert, they start of looking bored and tired, and then when the pizza (mexicano) is thrown in to the clip they suddenly become interested and curious to see what mexicano is.
The target audience will be able to relate to them as they are typical students that are just looking for something they can do. The school uniforms really help to create an authentic look, and by the actual characters being teenagers themselves the audience will feel that they are being told the truth about the product they are being told to buy.
I have used some humour in the advert that teenagers will be able to relate to. For example; when the characters are in the library they talk of getting other types of pizza, and they mention getting a ‘Bob Marley Extra Crispy’ if any teenagers had watched the popular film ‘Pick of destiny’ by Tenacious D
They would understand that this was a joke. This is also some of the intertextuality that is in the advert; another form of intertextuality is the song that is played in the background by the band ‘Garbage’.
The advert uses basic editing with simple fades, straight cuts and dissolves.
The camera shots at the beginning were just simple long shots with a few zooms while panning across the scenery.
Throughout out the advert we switched to using two shots and medium close-ups with zooms and panning.
When the section after they find the mexicano pizza starts the camera automatically begins tracking the basket ball players, while also using extreme long shots. By using shots like these it shows the audience only what they need to see of our advert.
I have decided that this advert will be aired on channel four, between 4 and 10pm and also on trouble between 4 and 10pm. These channels have been chosen because they are popular channels for my target audience. And I have chosen these times as they are more convenient for teenagers just coming in from school or college and needing to relax. Therefore there will be more of my target audience watching.
I do not feel that my advert was as successful as it could have been, there were too many different subjects of genre that we had tried to put together, and it did not look right. The overall result could have been a lot better and we could have changed the editing and some of the shots to introduce some excitement and interesting shots in to the advert.