Stereotyping is used widely throughout many films; this action packed film follows the trend. It has a large black man who uses his size and power to his advantage to get his way, the rich white man wears a suit and speaks eloquently. Also, there is a slightly dim person who does stupid things for comical effect for example; he attempts to jump start a car using a defibrillator; and obviously to complete the foursome, a slightly older, grey haired man. His grey hair signifies his wisdom and knowledge.
The trailer uses darker colours predominately throughout as it is firstly set in a prison. But as the trailer proceeds the darkness aids the trailer because it has more of an effect when the bright explosions occur. The darkness also signifies the sin within them as they are being sent to prison, but when they break free, the trailer has a whole different sense to it as it is much brighter, faster and louder. Tension is again, created.
Sound is used in various ways throughout the trailer; not just in music but also through speech. The beginning has a lot of speech with it because it is setting the scene so you can understand the plot of the film. From there onwards the majority of sound is music. This is used in creating tension as slower music changes and gradually increases in tempo at the same time as the action is going on which usually leads to something major; an explosion for example. Also, occasional phrases are used to enhance the viewers’ knowledge of the film.
Films use camera angles for different reasons, with a high angle the audience can be made to feel empowered by a high shot looking down on a subject, while from a low angle we can be made to feel threatened and insecure. A bird’s eye view can put the audience in a god like position. This often occurs in war films, when a character the audience has been made to feel close to, passes away. The camera will often lift up and pass over the fighting in the battlefield as if the soul is leaving the body. This can give a feeling of spirituality. This trailer uses many longer and high shots to show the longer picture with many things happening at the same time.
This trailer is high action packed, never a dull moment. The director uses various camera angles to represent different emotions or actions, the colours are used to define personalities and themes and the sound builds up tension. This therefore makes you want to watch on to find out what happens. You are kept guessing until the very last moment, it never gives you quite enough information to know.