Newspaper: A typically daily or weekly publication containing news and opinion of current events, feature articles, and usually advertising. Newspapers are one of the oldest sources of information. Mostly newspapers are dedicated to news and facts. There are two types of newspapers – Broadsheets and Tabloids. Broadsheet newspapers are targeted at those who like more realistic approaches to news. Their articles focus more on including political and foreign items. However their publication is less popular than the tabloids. Tabloid newspapers are aimed at people who are just expecting amusement from newspaper. Although they do cover some news, they tend to contain more gossip, personality issues, shorter articles and more pictures than text. Moreover they often refuse and neglect the idea of publishing political and foreign news. Also the newspapers are mostly bias in their view on what happened. For example in our country 90 percent of newspapers are belong to government or to some rich people who still depends on government, so most of them are writing those things that are good for government. As for me I like broadsheets more because there are only useful facts and no silly stories and pictures. In such country like Kazakhstan where, like I said before most of the media are controlling by the government, we need to spend our time and to read a lot of different newspapers so we can get full information from different points of view, I like newspapers which are belong to opposition parties.
Internet: Also known as the World Wide Web (WWW), it contains of a web of computers working together and connecting to each other like a spider web, and it allows the person to research all kinds of material on their computer and learn more and the topic or issue they are after. Internet is the latest invention of human being that we are using to get information. World Wide Web is huge. We can find absolutely everything in it. People are using I-net for different reasons first because it is cheap, easy to use, and always up to date, so you can see all the news right after something happened. The best thing about Internet that it is hardly can be censored, because nobody can find and close all the sites and links of the enormous web. But I think that Internet is not good when you want to read some really important news, because it is full of trash and nonsense. In our country connection is not good and not everybody can afford a computer.
Television: The transmission of visual images of moving and stationary objects, generally with accompanying sound, as electromagnetic waves and the recon version of received waves into visual images. The television which contains various programs like documentaries, news (morning, afternoon, and evening), movies, soapies, and so on, which in the end all of these various types of programs, influence society, by making people believe in these programs and trying to change their lives in evolving around certain characters (movies and sopies), and what these people are shown in terms of documentaries and news they believe because they were not on the spot of the incident, and they are not perfectly smart to know about everything in the world. Most of the channels and shows are made to entertain audience so they continue watching TV and will see advertising. Advertising is the profit of television, they are getting large amount of money just for putting some label in corner of the show. TV is another method of controlling community. In our country all channels except one are belong to government. : )
Radio: Communication of audible signals, such as music, encoded in electromagnetic waves so it can be transmitted and received. Radio now is not such important thing as it was 50 years ago. Now we have developed Internet and television with pictures and videos, so nobody wants to sit near tuner as it was before. Nowadays radio is mostly dedicated to music, not to news and facts. Also there are different radios that are playing only specific music genres. I’m usually listening to radio only in my car.
So now we can prove that media is 4th power of controlling society and it depends on country, who is the head of it – community or government. People are using media to show the entire world the truth. Politicians are also using media to make themselves look better and using Black-PR to humiliate their opponents. In countries with communist or monarchy regime media is only not armed method to control people. All this is depend on bunch of people which are responsible for media – journalist. They have special journalist ethic. After all without media our world will be boring and life will stops it flow and whole world will fall in the age of darkness.
Berdalin Erkin
Paul Pickering
English B
1055 words
2 pages