Essay on Gender Equality

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Integrated Humanities

Essay: Gender Equality

Gender equality can never be achieved as long as males and females are biologically different. Do you agree with this statement?

To address the hypothesis, I must first define gender equality and the biological difference between males and females; and hence from there, show the relationship, or lack thereof, between the two.

The biological difference between males and females means that Man is born different, and there are two broad categories, males and females. This difference can be seen anatomically and biologically, like the sexual reproductive organs which contribute to the fact that women have the ability to give birth and men do not. As Man is born into it, it is innate and cannot be changed, unless when artificial or wayward (methods that defy nature) means are used.

Gender equality in this essay will be addressed in terms of the social construct, in areas namely: politics, economics, sports and education. This is because gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women (WHO, 2007) and are learned (can be affected by factors like education or economics.) Hence, they vary widely among cultures and can evolve over time as they are socially determined. It is also understood that the gender equality to be achieved here is with respect to the inequality faced by females.

Therefore, it can be seen that men and women are born biologically, but this does not affect gender equality as it has no necessary biological component due to the fact that it is, instead of biologically, socially agreed upon and constructed conduct. (Oxford University Press) Thus, biological differences between males and females are not an influencing factor for gender equality and should not be used to as a gauge as to how much equality is given to the genders.

Hence, to state my stand, I disagree to the hypothesis because despite of the everlasting biological differences between men and women, there is gradual achievement of gender equality, and this shows that in the future, near or far, gender equality will eventually be achieved even with the everlasting biological differences between the sexes. And so, gender equality can be achieved even with the fact that males and females are biologically different.

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To support my stand, we will look at the four aspects of the social construct.

Firstly, politics. To look at matters globally, we can see that 10 years ago, the world average for women representation in legislation was 11.3%. Only in 5 countries did women constitute over 30% of the legislature. Their presence in parliament was, more often than not, tokenistic. However, contrast that to today, when women represent 15.7% of all legislators across both houses of parliament. 12 more countries now have over 30% of women in parliament. This is a clear depiction of women gaining ...

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