How useful are these two sources as evidence for the contribution of women to the war
How useful are these two sources as evidence for the contribution of women to the war
effort in the years 1914-1918?
The contribution of women was a major factor in the war as it might have been the reason why the war was won as women supported the nation in the absence of men even though they were discriminated showing that they were patriotic n wanted to prove themselves of being worthy of the Suffrage.
Source F is a propaganda poster used to enrol more women into work as there was shortage of labour as conscription led most men away to fight for the country. The poster was produced in 1916 during the First World War and The Battle of the Somme which meant that to fight in the war men needed ammunition and therefore many women were being asked to help in industries to help men and the nation. During the war there was a shortage of shells and that was 1 of the things that women were made to produce bombs. The conditions for women at work were very bad as they were paid less than what men would receive which displayed the sexist attitude of that time. They had to do work in dangerous conditions, working with TNT explosives, which could turn their skin yellow and when this happened to a women working in a factories they called a canary. The source shows a middle class women getting ready to work whilst in the background the man is preparing to fight in the front line, the contrast between the images shows that how they are interlinked with their work as now women are helping the men who were quite sexist towards them and did not want the progress of women in society.