The final voyage

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The Final Voyage

Hi, my name is Evan Araia. I’m 29 years old and live in Dover. Have you ever heard that name? I can guess that you have probably heard my name in news broadcasts or may be newspapers. I was the only and sole survivor of the Cruise line; Aurora the inspiration which was attacked by pirates in the Red Sea. This is the true account of the dreadful and ghastly experience that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

Monday 8th October 2010: The day before I got on the cruise liner

I always have had the habit of waking up in the morning at 6 o’clock and going to the park to have a few cigarettes. Each time, it never fails to get me refreshed and get me ready for the misfortunes awaiting my day. I have never considered myself a lucky person. Always getting into trouble for something I have not done and by any means having a day that I simply could call “a pleasant day”. However I never gave up thinking that someday it will all change, not even today.

I went back home and rummaged through the pile of cloths to look for a clean shirt and jeans to wear for work. I haven’t washed any of my clothes since my nana died eight months ago. Since then, I have never felt like I had a reason to live in this merciless little world. Sometimes I feel like getting the hunting gun from the attic and making the world one less person for it to torture.  After a few minutes I found “wearable” top and jeans. Soon after I left home and went to the bus stop to wait for my bus. I work in a computer maintenance company called THE HIVE. I have been working there for more than seven years and I have never got a promotion or a considerate pay rise. But who cares as long as I can pay my rent and get some cigs.

I was waiting on the bus stop and had the strangest day dream. I was assuming that I was a multi-millionaire businessman travelling all over the world as a part of my job. But suddenly I heard a roaring sound coming towards me. I looked ahead and realised it was the bus coming towards the stop. I realised I have been waiting there for twenty minutes. I got into the bus and paid my fare. I sat down on the only seat that was available; next to a wasted old man. By the looks of his clothes and smell of them, I presume that he was someone who lived on the streets. He then started talking aloud. He was saying, “What have I done God, to deserve this?” in a frustrated tone of voice. Then he started looking at me with a strange intent. After a long pause he then said, “You don’t know have it feel s to be like me and I hope you never will.” I rang the bell in order to alight.

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Just before I got off I looked back on to the next seat I was sitting on and there was no one there. It is as if the man has disappeared. I then thought to myself “Was I hallucinating?” I even asked myself if that is what I will be like in the next couple of years. Putting that whole thing aside I started a small trek to my work. There was a cafe on my way to work and thought it is only 8:15 and work doesn’t start till 9. So I would have time to have a hot ...

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