Yellowstone National Park
National Parks are large areas of land in the countryside, which have been beautifully landscaped by both human and natural influence for everyone to enjoy and visit as well as promote ecotourism.
Development and growth have brought about environmental problems and issues. In order to encourage sustainable development, each country is promoting national parks. According to the World Conservation Union, there are now about 6,555 national parks worldwide.
Yellowstone national park in the state of Wyoming in USA, was the first ever national park in the world. It opened its doors on March 1st 1872. The park covers almost 9,070 square kilometres of land! More than three million people visit Yellowstone each year!
The Yellowstone national park is a home to a large variety of wildlife such as grizzly bears, buffaloes and wolves. It includes the nation’s wildlife preserve! The park is also very famous for its thermal features. There are many geysers, stem vents, hot springs and boiling mud volcanoes. Besides the thermal features as one of the main attractions, there are vast lakes, rivers as well as several trails.