How does Stevenson Present Conflict between Good and Evil in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

By Karan Patel 10R How does Stevenson Present Conflict between Good and Evil in 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?' Robert Louis Stevenson wrote "The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" in 1886. The novel is set in Victorian London in the 1800's. The novel consists of two main genres, gothic horror and science fiction. Charles Darwin's 'theory of evolution' was one of Stevenson's biggest influences. Stevenson has used Darwin's theory throughout the play; this is shown to us through the character of Mr. Hyde. Stevenson has also used Darwin's theory to present the conflict between good and evil in Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. As the novel was written in the 1800's allot of people believed strongly in physiognomy and Stevenson has used this in the novel - Mr. Hyde looks bad on the outside and therefore he is a bad person and is judged by others. In the novel 'Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' the first character who is introduced to us is Mr. Utterson. Mr Utterson is described to us in great detail as a lonely, moody man with very few friends who hardly has a social life, yet he is also said to be 'somehow loveable.' Right from the beginning of the novel we meet a character who has both good and bad sides to him. Straight away the theme of duality is shown to us through Mr. Utterson. Mr Utterson is a supposed good friend of Dr Jekyll and is very surprised at the content of Dr Jekyll's will. This

  • Word count: 1557
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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The Last Chance

As the car arrived, I couldn't help thinking about the past, thinking of the good times and the bad times. I couldn't help but wish there was less bad times, wishing that I wasn't such a typical teenager, and appreciated what she did for me. She was the best mum anyone could have wished for, I loved her not just because she was my mum, but because I could talk her about anything. She was like my best friend. But now I've lost her for good, and she won't ever come back. It stared about two years ago, after just starting my 5th year at secondary school; she kept saying it was just appointments about her back, as she took a nasty fall out riding few months before. But it always felt like she wasn't tell me something, it felt like the person I could poor my heart out to was lying to me, but I was always to afraid to ask for the truth. I felt like I was being pushed away, so naturally I turned to my best friend, feeling scared and worried about my mum I told Becky everything, she even thought that my mum was maybe hiding something, but told to stop worrying about it and push it out of my head as we had our GCSE mock coming up soon. After attempting to push this out of my head, I couldn't but knew I had to revise for my mocks I knew it was important I just couldn't remember a word of anything I read. It was frustrating, and I wanted to explode with anger. But I knew if I did it

  • Word count: 4284
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Gattaca Essay

Belonging is the physical, psychological, or spiritual acceptance of an individual and others into an existing entity. The journey towards ones state of belonging is inevitably dynamic. Ones identity, individuality, and uniqueness often dictate where and what group one belongs with. Many would consider that we as human beings have a strong need to belong and to be accepted in a certain group. This need is a natural fundamental human motivation, an expression of our humanity, that is established everywhere in each person with very few exceptions. It is true that trouble can take place and unpleasant things can come about because of these groups, but the advantages far outweigh the costs. These groups that people form among themselves often provide as a shelter for the lonely, for this reason it is natural for people to go far out of their way if necessary to belong to a particular crowd. Research has revealed that positive relationships and a good feeling of belongingness can have a very positive impact on physical health, whilst ostracism and feeling of loneliness can literally make people physically sick. Adversely, some would consider the desire not to belong because groups tend to foster an "us-versus-them" perspective that can be seen as counterproductive. If a person would like to associate with people who see the world the same way as them, being a member of a

  • Word count: 1104
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Citizenship Coursework - Year 10 Work Experience

Citizenship Coursework 2007 - Year 10 Work Experience Introduction For my work experience, I am going to work at Double Decker Café in Enfield Lock over a two week period, from 25 June - 6 July 2007. The hours I will have to work will be from 9:00am to 4:30pm. The company is a food/catering service for the public and so therefore my role will be a catering assistant. According to the placement description (see appendix I), I will be helping in kitchen with preparing sandwiches, jacket potatoes and general preparation. I will also have to wait at tables, use the till, make tea/coffees and generally help to keep the café clean and tidy. I am looking forward to working at this placement because although it doesn't really relate to what I want to do when I've left school, I believe that it will be a great experience, as I have never experienced working before. As I need to gain more self-confidence, I think that this would be a great opportunity for me to do so, and to learn how to speak up to people more, as I believe that this work experience will mostly consist of talking to people. Also, I think that this would be a useful opportunity for me to apply the skill I already have of keeping things tidy - I prefer to keep things organised, so I don't think I'll have much trouble with keeping things clean and in order. Planning: Stage 1 I have chosen to research Health and

  • Word count: 4168
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Citizenship By completing my activity I achieved my aim of raising as much money as possible for the Asian earthquake appeal. Overall I raised 83.40

Stage 3 - Evaluation of Activity By completing my activity I achieved my aim of raising as much money as possible for the Asian earthquake appeal. Overall I raised £83.40 which will be very helpful for those working on re-supplying and rebuilding the affected areas. I also got to experience how Muslims feel when they fast all day, and on a very small scale, how those who have to starve everyday feel. This has helped me to understand the suffering that some people in the world have to endure every single day. While planning my activity I learnt that even a small charity raising event takes up a large amount of time, and many problems can be encountered. Problems I had included; finding a time and place it was suitable to fast, convincing people to sponsor me and finding an acceptable method of actually donating the money. I struggled to secure sponsors because people are often being asked for money which leads to compassion fatigue when people are tired of giving money away to charity, even though it's for a good cause if they gave money away every time they were asked then they would end up giving away a large part of their income. This leaves it down to me to convince people that my cause is particularly worthy of their donations even if they wouldn't normally donate. My research has taught me a lot about a few things. I learnt a lot about the Asian earthquake itself

  • Word count: 2039
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Should we screen embryos for genetic diseases?

Should we screen embryos for genetic diseases? By Vicki - Louise Flowers 11A Content: Introduction DNA, Genes and Alleles Inheritance What is a Genetic Diseases? * What is a PGD? * Advantages and disadvantages of PGD * Multifactorial and polygenic disorders * Cystic Fibrosis * Huntington's Disease Case Study One: Zain Hashmi Gene Therapy * Retroviruses * Adenoviruses * Adeno-associated viruses * Herpes simplex viruses * Problems Case Study: New embryo test to screen for 6,000 diseases Ethics Evaluation Introduction: In this coursework I will be looking to see if it is right or wrong for parents-to-be to have their embryos screened for genetic diseases. Screening for genetic diseases allows couples to see if their unborn baby would suffer from any disorder that runs in the family. There are over 4,000 genetic diseases around to today and over 5 million people are affected each year. There are many people whose opinion is that by choosing how your baby will be is a form of Eugenics. Sometimes screening embryos can help people make decisions about their future and how their life may change. Using this method can also help save people lives. But genetic screening is also causing problems such as the thinning of the gene pool and removing genes that may be beneficial in some unknown future. DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA for short, is a long

  • Word count: 3458
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Titanic - The Review

MEDIA COURSEWORK (FILM REVIEW) Titanic the ship of dreams is also known as the "unsinkable", but on its departure that was not what it did. It sank! On a very bitter night, when lovers seek their loves' and children slept in the warm cocoon of their duvet, the "unsinkable ship" suddenly collided with an iceberg. All of a sudden, a riot was unfolded! This led to a fold of events that eradicated so many lives. The Old and young, the rich and poor, the first classes and third classes. Everybody became one in the eyes of the Storm! On its epic journey a deprived artist whose name is Jack Dawson and a rich girl Rose DeWitt Bukator, fell in love, until one night, their fairytale love for one another, turns into a struggle for survival on a ship about be submerged to the bottom of the North Atlantic. Rose ditched her fiancé for this poor young man (Jack) but fate was against their being together. The main actors were this two - Rose, a poor girl turned rich and Jack, a very poor man who had to bet on a card game to get on the ship. These characters were very believable as one can feel the chemistry between the two lovers. However, I would have wanted the characters to bring more passion into the film as what I mostly saw was love and romance. Rose developed into a bright, lovely and carefree woman and we were shown this in the scene when she dances with Jack at the Third-class

  • Word count: 1836
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Stopping distance CDA

Stopping Distance Coursework In this piece of coursework I will be investigating in how braking and thinking times affects the overall stopping distance. I will also be investigating the Highway Code's results on braking, thinking and stopping distances and analysis whether they are reliable and valid. Finally I will be discussing arguments for and against, whether the speed limits should be lowered to reduce accidents. Stopping Distance= Thinking Distance + Braking Distance * Stopping Distance - The distance required to bring a moving train or motor vehicle to a complete stop. * Thinking distance - Thinking distance is the distance that the car travels after the driver has seen the danger and before the brakes are applied. * Braking distance - refers to the distance a vehicle will travel from the point where its brakes are fully applied to when it comes to a complete stop. It is affected by the original speed of the vehicle, the type of brake system in use and the coefficient of friction between its tyres and the road surface. The graph that I have made from the data given to me on the Highway Code website clearly shows that the faster you are travelling, the longer your Thinking Distance is. It also shows that the greater your speed the longer your Braking Distance. Because the formula for working out the Overall Stopping Distance is to add both of theses distances

  • Word count: 1720
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Business plan. Pet planet the business will be a puppy training daycare and boarding facility providing loving care, companionship, and exercise for dogs, either during the day while the owners are at work, or long-term while the owners travel.

Pet planet Business plan Deadline 12 February For my GCSE coursework, I have decided to look at opening a new business in my local area. For my business to succeed, I need to consider some key aspects of opening a business. These include choosing a suitable company name so that people can recognise the shop and also, decidng which type of business it will be (e.g. sole trader, partnership, Ltd) because each type has good and bad points, so you need to consider your options. Pet planet the business will be a puppy training daycare and boarding facility providing loving care, companionship, and exercise for dogs, either during the day while the owners are at work, or long-term while the owners travel. It will be this business because research shows that there are not a lot of kennels or puppy training classes around the bath area. The business will also have experienced workers which enjoy working with animals and helping owners come to terms with there new puppy. The service will train puppies to be obedient to there owners at all times through there lives, it will help puppies socialize with other puppies and train them to do day to day things like sit, paw, down, leave or take something. As well as training the dogs it will teach the owners (on a one to one basis) how to handle there dog and how to continue back at home. The marketing strategy will decide the exact

  • Word count: 2446
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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Desde hace casi unos diez años que los distintos gobiernos prometen extender el postnatal para las madres trabajadoras de tres a seis meses. Esto fue prometido en la campaña de Sebastián Piñera y Eduardo Frei, esperando que durante este ciclo. Se espera que durante este ciclo, ojala este año, se logre concretar el proyecto. En mi opinión, el postnatal se debería alargar a los seis meses, ya que las guaguas corren el riesgo de morir o enfermarse al estar sin sus madres, y para que nadie invente licencias falsas para poder cuidar a su hijo recién nacido. También las madres, preocupadas por sus hijos, queriendo estar apegadas a ellos, gastarían bastante plata llevándolos a sala cuna o jardines infantiles, donde están en contacto con distintos niños lo que les puede ser bastante dañino para su salud. El problema de este extendido postnatal vendría siendo que es bastante conseguir un reemplazo tan largo en empresas o lugares de trabajo, ya que no solo hay que cubrir durante los seis meses de postnatal, sino que para los otros meses de prenatal también se necesitaría un reemplazo, que no solo alteraría la forma de trabajo (pudiendo perjudicar este) sino que es bastante caro pagarle a una persona extra por casi un año. Esto no seria bueno para las mujeres en general, ya que seguramente dejarían de ser contratadas, siendo perjudicial para todas, aunque no

  • Word count: 811
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Miscellaneous
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