Mes Vacances
Pour moi, ce qui est important pour des vacances réussies c’est de me dépayser, se faire des amis et être heureux. Je préfère des voyages indépendants. A mon avis, la meilleure saison pour les vacances est l’été, quand il fait chaud. J’aime passer mes vacances à la montagne ou près de la mer. J’aime les vacances sportives et les vacances à la plage et je préfère rester à l’hôtel avec ma famille sans mon père ou chez des amis. Je préfère voyager en avion ou en voiture.
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Peer Reviews
Here's what a star student thought of this essay
Quality of writing
The level of French in this essay is extremely high; there are very few mistakes – “c’étaient de très bonnes vacances!â€Â, should be “c’était de très bonnes vacances†(the ‘de’ takes away the need for the verb to be plural, so to speak), or alternatively “c’étaient des très bonnes vacances!†The candidate has used a wide range of tenses and expressions, and overall this is an impressive piece of work.
Level of analysis
The level of analysis here is at an appropriate level for a high achieving GCSE student. The opening paragraph is excellent: the candidate discusses her opinions on different types of holiday and what she thinks she can get out of them. The second paragraph is also very good in that it gives a large amount of detail, for example by describing the facilities at the hotel, using some excellent phrases and vocabulary about her holiday last year in Italy. Although the very last paragraph seems somewhat disconnected from the rest in terms of content, the essay in general is well written, well structured and succinct.
Response to question
The candidate has written a very good essay on her holidays and what she enjoys about them, as well as having described her previous holidays to Italy. The essay is very well written and shows a command of a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical features, and follows a clear structure, which helps the reader to follow her line of thought very easily.