Public Speaking - Part 2

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Public Speaking and Communication

1. Public speaking is an ‘audience-centred’ activity, which means:

Suggested answers:

        ~ keeping the audience foremost in mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation, starting from the selection of topic, focusing the topic area, deciding on the general/specific purpose and thesis statement, organising main & supporting ideas to the use of presentational aids, language, gestures (verbal/nonverbal cues) while delivering the speech

2. Good speakers are audience-centred because:

Suggested answers:

        ~ good speakers know the main purpose of public speaking is to gain a desired response from listeners, remain true to oneself while adapting the message to the needs of a particular audience

        ~ they keep the following questions in mind while working on their speeches:

  1. to whom am I speaking?
  2. What do I want them to know, believe or do as a result of my speech?
  3. What is the most effective way of composing and presenting my speech to accomplish that aim?

3. Some variables of

a) demographic,

b) situational

c) psychographic audience analysis:

Suggested answers:

a. Demographic Audience Analysis: age, gender, racial/ethnic/cultural background, education, religion, economic status, group membership (e.g. social/recreational/ sport clubs, political parties).

b. Situational Audience Analysis: types of audiences (voluntary-assemble out of  free will, captive-compelled to attend), size of the audience, occasion, physical setting, time,  disposition toward the topic, speaker, & occasion (e.g. favourable, unfavourable or neutral).

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c. Psychographic Audience Analysis: values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviours.

4. Issues of concern while speaking to an audience in a pluralistic society:

Suggested answers:

~ be sensitive to audience’s feedback, disposition, responses

~ avoid discriminating against differences in demographic, psychographic or the situational variables

~ try to identify common ground with the audience, do not attempt to change differences that cannot be changed

~ be careful of remarks that might be viewed as stereotypical, prejudiced, discriminatory or racist

Public Speaking and Communication

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