Mozart. After digging though lots of information, it is easy to see that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a prodigy child
After digging though lots of information, it is easy to see that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a prodigy child. "At age five he was creating minuets that are now classics for beginning piano students."-Student Research Center. Mozart was born January 27 1756 Salzburg, Austria. "Mozart's father, Leopold was a professional musician and deputy Kapellmeister for the archbishop of Salzburg."- Student Research Center Leopold could tell his son at 3 years old had musical talent. Wolfgang played many concerts at this age, but never more than one a day. He even played for royal families. "Suffice it to say that Wolfgang jumped up on the Empress' lap, put his arm around her and kissed her whole heartedly. But it was grueling work, too, and the risks were great. This was made painfully clear in the late October when Wolfgang became ill with something diagnosed as " scarlet fever rash". Within tow weeks Wolfgang was well again, but this episode was a potent of more serious health problems to come. J.G. Wolfgang Mozart, the toast of Viennese society, was still two mouths shy of his seventh birthday."-Mozart project Mozart continued to tour and write music. "When the family went to Vienna in 1768, Italy Roman Emperor Joseph II commissioned the boy to write the opera La finta semplus (The Feigned Simpleton). This is the first instance when Mozart aroused the professional jealously of other
Ella Fitzgerald
Ella Fitzgerald To some, Ella Fitzgerald had a hard life from the moment she was born. To others, Ella had it made. Ella Fitzgerald was born April 25th 1917 in Virginia. Soon afterwards, her parents separated and Ella followed her mother to Yonkers, New York. Ella was barely a teenager when her mother died. While still coping with this tragedy, Ella found herself failing school and having frequent run-ins with the police. She was also abused by her caretakers while in the custody of a reform school. At age 15 Ella ran away from school along with the horrible memories of that time. Somehow she managed to support herself through the Great Depression, a feat that is most commendable. Ella found her refuge in attending the Apollo theatre, famous for its amateur competitions. At 17, she entered the competition and wooed the crowd with her incredible vocals. In the crowd that night were notable jazz artists of the time including Benny Carter and Bardu Ali, who conducted the Chick Webb orchestra. Ella began working and touring with the orchestra from 1935 and eventually took over as band leader in 1939. Although Ella had obtained this status so early in her career, her enthusiasm to learn and form business relationships never ceased. Ella was a professional and was very good at what she did - not only because of her rare talent but for her mature attitude at such a young age.
The magic of Rap
A Magical Musical Masterpiece... Rap, a music genre which has since its origin been criticized by individuals, for its vulgarity and very explicit lyrics. Parents shun away their children from it because of a lack of understanding and due to a negative connotation generated from contemporary artists and media. I stand firmly behind it for its expressive poetic lines and its hard-hearted emotions. Music was taken to different level where one actually started listening to the lyrics. Even the simple minded person could make something out of it. It is quite understandable that it has gained such a negative vibe; considering that about 90% of all contemporary rap is about sex, alcohol and drugs. The emotional aspect of it has faded away, and all that is left are a bunch of rappers ranting about their success and their fortune. Rap artists such as 2pac and Biggie, who were existing rappers during its peak in the 1990's are in my opinion respectable representatives. Their songs were aimed towards the lower-class society - living in slums - and educating the American population of the difficulties of living in such an environment. One of the strongest emotions used in rap is most firmly Anger. This outburst of anger often incorporates vulgar expressions and words which are reinforced to bring strength to the statements of the rapper. Back in the 90's they were used in that method;
Thesis Statement: Specifically, I will enlighten you on the following three areas: (1) the public opinion towards music education, (2) the benefits of music education, and (3) the increasing need for music education.
James K Barath Thesis Statement: Specifically, I will enlighten you on the following three areas: (1) the public opinion towards music education, (2) the benefits of music education, and (3) the increasing need for music education. INTRODUCTION I. What do companies like: GAP, HBO, AT&T, Toyota, Sony Music, and Nabisco, just to name a few, have in common? ...They are all contributors and supporters of the VH1 Save The Music Foundation. II. The VH1 Save The Music Foundation is a non-profit initiative with two primary missions: (Slide) A) To restore music education programs in America's public schools. . Purchase new musical instruments to restore music education programs that had been cut due to budget reductions in the past or to save programs at risk of elimination due to the lack of instruments. 2. More than 90% of every dollar marked for the VH1 Save The Music Foundation finds its way into a child's hand in the form of a musical instrument. 3. Since its inception in 1997, VH1 Save The Music has donated more than $10 million worth of musical instruments to 530 public schools in 40 cities, improving the lives of more than 200,000 children. 19 of the schools in Chicago and 1 in the city of Gary. B) To raise awareness of the positive impact music participation has on students. . The foundation conducts awareness campaigns, musical instrument drives and fundraising
The Roaring Twenties in Canada
Position Paper - The Roaring Twenties Did the twenties "roar"? A very questionable idea in which only the perspective of the people in the 1920s can demonstrate the solution towards this issue. Different people in the meaning of one another that lived among the 1920s had different views and considerations towards the twenties. It could perhaps influence them to be more forgetful of the war and continue with their daily lives. In my opinion the twenties roared because of the many new inventions, entertainment, consumerism, arts, social issues, rights, lifestyles, and the economy. To take a deep thought of the conception of the twenties actually making a massive impact on the people's perspective, let's get straight to the facts of positive attribution. After the horrors of the war, people were ready to sparkle up their lives. With the new invention of Henry Ford's automobile "Model T" it was vowed to the price that average North Americans could afford I which from a perspective's mood would definitely be in the "roaring" type, also the mass production of these vehicles moved into all parts of North America. Radio broadcasting became one of North America's favourite sources of entertainment. During this time most Canadians depended on the radio as their source of communication since the television wasn't invented. People tuned in every day to listen to music, as jazz, sports
Music Composition Brief 1
Brief My school's music department wants to encourage students to start to learn to play instruments. To help them choose which instrument they would like to learn, students who already play will be demonstrating their skills by performing a composition. I have decided to write a composition for a violin accompanied by a piano. Compositional Process The piece is in rondo form (Area of Study 1) for a violin and piano which contains 3 sections in the format ABACA, with the A section as the returning theme, but varied slightly each time to keep the theme interesting. The piece was composed in simple time: 4/4. I chose to use this to counter the difficulty of the piano parts, where semi-quavers and quavers are played in both parts for a large proportion of the piece. The first A section was composed mostly in G major, with 4 bars in the middle in D major, the dominant key of G major. To start the piece, I created a violin melody accompanied with a piano playing arpeggios and broken chords. I made bar 8 an exception: a scale was used instead of an arpeggio in the piano right hand. I decided to do this to contrast with the other bars which were playing arpeggios. This section started off as mezzo-forte with two mezzo-piano's in the middle of the piece, as the note lengths were swapped around for one bar: usually the violin part is in crotchets, right hand piano semi-quavers and
How music has a huge effect on teen's lives
Gage Carmichael 0/24/12 Per. 4 How Music Has a Huge Effect on Teen’s lives Most people don’t know how much teens today base their lifestyle off of the music that they listen to. Music is huge factor in a young teen’s life, in and out of school. Music dominates most of the youth culture and can lead to many stereotypes. It can also be very possessive over a teen’s lifestyle; In some aspects their friends, way they dress, schooling, and even in some cases their future. Like many of today’s youth, I too used to base many of my friends and actions off of the music I listened to. I would dress very obscene, try and act like I had no regard over people’s feelings, and purposely disobey people older than myself. I even used to purposely fail classes because I thought that was the “cool” thing to do. But I eventually realized if I were to continue down that path it would lead me nowhere in life. So I decided to try and grow up out of that silly lifestyle. I believe too many teen’s take the type of music and lyrical content too seriously. Many think that the way their favorite artists live by is the way to go. Believing that one day they too could have the same type of life. But what they don’t notice is that this could lead to some terrible choices and even sometimes dangerous situations. There are many people who stereotype others for the lyrical content
Rock And Roll - analysis of the different styles of Rock.
Rock PLAN “I don’t know which will go first- Rock and Roll or Christianity”, John Lennon INRTO-1/2 a page BACKGROUND-setting the scene ½ a page DIFFERENT TYPES OF ROCK GENERES- 1 paragraph Punk Rock-1/2 a page Alternative Rock-1/2 a page Blues Rock-1/3 a page Folk Rock-1/3 a page Indie Rock-1/2 a page Wizard Rock-1/3 a page base it on TMB wands chords structure Many bands artists etc – 1 paragraph Sex Pistols- ½ a page Queen-1/2 a page Dire Straits-1/3 a page The Beatles-1 page a page The Clash -1/2 a page 1976–1986 U2 1976–present But there are contemporary artists etc – 1 paragraph Muse-1/3 a page Mumford and Sons-1/3 a page Panic At The Disco-1/3 a page Coldplay-1/2 a page The Kooks Noah And The Whale CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY There are many different genres of Rock music. Each sub-genre of Rock music has an opulent history; each sub-genre is listened to as much as traditional Rock and Roll music, if not more so. We have chosen six sub-genres of Rock music to explore through our essay. It was very hard to pick these genres as there are so many fantastic Rock genres, with different beats, pitches and tones. Traditional Rock music is conventionally built on a foundation of simple un-syncopated rhythms; this is usually in a 4 by 4 meter, with a repetitive snare drum back beat on beats two and four. The melodies that Rock music
Handels Messiah Background information for set work
Handel’s Messiah – Background information for set work George Frederic Handel, considered one of the greatest composers of the baroque period, he was born in Halle, Germany on February. 23, 1685. He died in London on April. 14, 1759, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. Handel is best known for his English Oratorios, particularly the Messiah. Handel was distinguished for his musical ability from his earliest years, was sent to Berlin to study when he was 14, began his musical career as a performer at Hamburg in 1703 and produced his first opera in 1704. He spent six years in Italy and cam, on invitation, to England in 1710, where he lived for almost 50 years. In England Handel continued to compose in the Italian style, but also absorbed the characteristics of English music, especially English coral music. Henry Purcell was a classical composer and musicians and was one of the leading musicians of the Baroque Period. Henry Purcell was born in London September. 12 1659 and died in 1695. Henrys father was a gentleman of the chapel-royal, and sang at the coronation of King Charles II of England. Purcell was often considered England's finest native composer, Purcell combined a great gift for lyrical melody with harmonic invention and mastery of counterpoint. He sang in the choir of the Chapel Royal until 1673 and became organist there in 1682. In 1677 he was appointed
Music Assignment - Who are you? The song that I feel best relates to this quotation and my state of mind is Who I Am by Nick Jonas and the Administration.
Music Project: Who Are You? “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” - Dr. Seuss Of all the humorous and inspiring quotes I’ve ever read, this is the quotation that best represents how I have lived by for most of my life, and I believe more accurate words could not be spoken. Being true to myself and who I am as an individual is something I strongly trust in. In addition, having the courage and strength to stand up for what I have confidence or belief in, even when others have a different point of view or attitude, is very important to me. In my opinion, this quote means that people who attempt to make me experience low self-confidence and esteem about myself and question my capabilities do not matter. It represents the fact that everyone has the right to express an opinion and has the freedom to do so. In conclusion, it is not necessary nor will I let people shape my thoughts of what I do and don't say. The song that I feel best relates to this quotation and my state of mind is “Who I Am” by Nick Jonas and the Administration. “Who I Am” is a song about trying to find love and wanting to find that person who understands who you are. Additionally, it discusses that fact that you must realize you need to know yourself before you can find love. The reason why I can relate to this song is, I