Minimalism Compositions
My Minimalism composition: I will do my minimalism piece in the key of D minor and base the notes around this sequence but also use the chords of A, F C and E change key, but not to a major key. I will base the piece on arpeggios and broken chords, I will also use phase shifting to give it a more effective feeling to it. I will be changing the pattern and the rhythm of the music several times in the piece so it doesn't seem to repetitive. My piece is approximately 2 minutes long and at the end I will repeat the beginning again. Dynamics are important in my piece of music so I will be changing the tone by using staccato and legato notes. I will also change the tempo of it when I think it is necessary. I am going to record it in the music studio instead of using a computer program. I think this a good choice for me because as I will do it on the piano I can use the pedal and create better dynamics. How ever I will have to make sure I can learn it well as I will not have many chances to re-record it. There will be four beats in the bar and the average speed will be about 120 beats per minute, but as I said before the tempo will purposely change slightly during the piece to make the atmosphere of it become more
Music Publishing
Music Publishing In this assignment we are going to take a closer look at music publishing, the working patterns withing this area and the function music publishing has. First we will take a closer look at one specific publishing company: Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG). UMPG is the largest publishing company in the world and has offices all around the world from North America to Australasia. It is the world's largest Classical music publisher, and through its ownership of Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing it owns the world's largest Christian music publishing catalogue as well as being a global leader in Production music. UMPG stands strong in the Film and TV & Advertising area as well. By using a centralized global administrative model and a computer system that can quickly and accurately track and register songs, UMPG sees too that money collections are made fast and paid from collection societies, so that its clients can recieve the best service possible. Some of the songs on the UMPG list are 'Sexyback' by Justin Timberlake, 'Stayin Alive' by The Bee Gees, 'Irreplaceable' by Beyoncé, 'Beautiful Day' by U2, 'Be Without You' by Mary J. Blige, 'You're Beautiful' by James Blunt and many more. Other artists include Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Kirk Franklin, Micheal W. Smith, Elton John, Joss Stone, Paul Simon, Robbie Williams, Westlife and many more. In film and TV UMPG
Since about 1450 keyboards have virtually remained the same, except for a little variation in the colour of the keys.
Since about 1450 keyboards have virtually remained the same, except for a little variation in the colour of the keys. The organ was the first keyboard instrument and the way of the keys has varied greatly and at times was so heavy that the players were called "Organ Beaters", because they actually had to hit the keys to make a sound, rather than playing them. About the 13th or 14th Century, keyboard music was made of natural modes, modes then being the basis of music. The interval of the B to B, was considered unmusical, so B was lowered bringing in an extra note, this then gave five accidentals, B flat was probably followed by F sharp, E flat, C sharp and finally G sharp. The first of the Harpsichord family was the virginal. The strings were plucked by a then came the Clavichord, the spinet followed and then the more elaborate harpsichord. Harpsichords then had one manual and a two-foot registers and were slightly more triangular shaped than a modern grand piano. In 1598, in letters to the Duke of Modena, Paliarino describes an instrument he has made, he called it "Pian e Forte" although this instrument was capable of soft and loud, it is not clear if it is a type of harpsichord fitted with a device or a true hammered piano. From then onwards the piano has advanced and eventually chips were invented. Then someone got the idea of using these chips on a piano based
Pop music composition
Solo Ballads ? BALLADS -tell stories, they have been around since at the 15th century. Back then a ballad was a long song with lots of verses that told a story. It's the type of thing that was sung by wandering mistrels. ? POP/ROCK - ballads still tell stories, they are often slow and sad and tell some kind of love story. Songwriters like to put a romantic or spooky twist right at the end to keep people listening. You will hear ballads sung in many different styles - a rock ballad accompanied by heavy drums and amplified guitars e.g. a folk ballad played on a acoustic guitar. Singer-songwriters are artists who write and sing their own material. They usually accompany themselves on either the guitar or piano and write a fair few ballads. • Bob Dylan's most famous ballad is an anti-war song called 'Blowing in the Wind'. • He sings a simple major scale, diatonic tune and plays a acoustic guitar. • All the verses are the same music and the same last line. • When the last line is repeated this works like a mini-chorus. • Elton John's 'Candle in the Wind' is a love ballad about Marilyn Monroe. • Her real name was Norma Jean. • The first line goes 'Goodbye Norma Jean....' • At Princess Diana's funeral he changed the words to 'Goodbye English Rose...' • Elton accompanies most of his songs on the piano. • His accompaniments combine rhythmic
Mes vaccances
Mes Vacances Je passe mes vacances en général à l'étranger, normalement le pays que je choisis est l'Italie, parce que je suis demi-Italien et j'aime bien retourner dans le pays où je suis né. Je vais d'habitude dans le Nord d'Italie, pas loin de Venise. Je reste avec ma famille, qui habite dans la banlieue de Padova. Je visite mes grands-parents deux ou trois fois par année. J'aime bien aller en Italie parce que pour la plupart du temps il fait du soleil et très chaud. Je continuerai d'aller en Italie en futur, pour mes vacances prochaines j'irai en avion, c'est très rapide! Pendant mes vacances, d'habitude je fais un bon nombre des choses. En été je vais à un hôtel près de la plage et je me bronze sous le rayon du soleil. Je fais des autres choses comme la planche à voile ou la natation dans la mer au sinon dans la piscine. Dans l'hiver normalement je vais skie dans les Alâps, c'est génial, parce que le ski est mon sport préfère et l'air de montagne est superbe. Je trouve qu'aller en étranger est bien pour l'esprit et aide à se reposer. L'été dernier je suis allé á la France avec mes pères. Nous sommes arrivés dans Paris sur le sixième de Juillet et nous avons dépensé deux semaines en France. Nous avons voyagé dans un avion puisque c'est vite et délassant, cependant mon père ce peur bleue de l'avion, comme pathétique ! La voyage duré
My Music GCSE Revision
Film Music for COMPOSITIONS AND GENERAL KNOWLEDE AND LISTENING EXAM......:):(:):(:):( Fun fact: John williams is one of the world's famous film music composers of all time) notes:::::::::::::::::::::::::::>>>>>>>> Elements and Devices Syncopated Rythms Cross Rhytms (when rhythms cross each other) ...normally used to create tension Time Signatures: 2 3 4 5 5/4 is rare normally used in horror 4 4 4 4 For compuund signatures multiply by 3 Lietmotif: theme tune for a main character in a film. Ground Bass: Repeated ostinato going through the music Pedal Notes/Drones: A long held single note going throughout the music. Chords is a drone. Imitation: Copy or Canon imitating the music Repetition Sequence Structure ...Also look at vocab for devices that can go with film music e.g polyphonic and structure terms and sequence terms... Notes for the classical era: Wednesday 5th September 2007 The four families that make up a classical orchestra are brass, strings, woodwind and percussion. The family that was the most important in the classical era (1750-1820) was the string group. A symphony is a piece of music for orchestra in movements of contrasting speeds and keys. A concerto differs from a symphony because there is an instrument
Outline the changes that occur in the development Of the American musical between 1927 and 1957
Genna Cooke Outline the changes that occur in the development Of the American musical between 927 and 1957 It was in 1927 that the jazz singer was the first film that was to use recorded song and dialogue. It was Al Jolson's ad-libbing around songs that helped to make "talkies" so successful. The impromptu moments created by Jolson made audiences demand more of theses sound films. Jazz music was a major influence of the musicals of this time. The next major musical to come out of the twenties was a collaboration of Florenz Ziegfeld, Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II's theatrical talent. It was named ShowBoat. It was based on Edna Ferber's sprawling novel of life on the Mississippi and it delt with many issues that were normally not talked of. These subjects included racism and marital issues. ShowBoat opened at the Ziegfeld Theatre on December 27th 1927 and left audiences overwhelmed and wanting more. It ran for 572 performances. As the twenties ended there was a catastrophic stock market crash, which caused a world wide economic depression. This meant that people needed entertaining more than ever. Money was scarce because of the depression, so people did what they could to make their lives happy. Movies were popular, parlour games and board games were also big. People gathered around radios to listen to the baseball and young people danced to the big bands.
BTEC First Certificate in Music - UNIT 9 (Audio Recording/Mixing Desk)
Unit 9 For this assignment in the BTEC First Certificate in Music was to produce a completed mix of a multi-track music recording. The song had to have a maximum of 16 tracks and consist of audio recordings only with the exception of a piano track being sequenced. In my group there was: myself, Gregory and Mario. The song we all decided to cover was 'Teach Me' by Musiq Soulchild. In our cover the song was made up of five parts: the drums, lead guitar, bass guitar, piano and vocals. For this assignment we could only use Logic Pro to record the tracks however not mix, automate or use effects from within the application. We had to use reverb and compression appropriately when you mix, as well as careful use of panning and level selection for balance. For this assignment I used computer-based music creation systems. For recording the drum tracks and the vocal tracks we used was a Dual-Core Intel Mac Pro (Fig.1) running Mac OS X 10.4. The software used was Logic Pro 8. The mixing desk used was the Soundcraftt Ghost 16 and the soundcard was MOTU 828 MkII Firewire interface (Fig.2). For recording the bass track, guitar track and piano track we used an Intel iMac with a 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo processor and 1GB RAM running Mac OS X 10.4 The keyboard was a Roland XP-10 MIDI keyboard (Fig.3) connected to the iMac via: two five pin DIN cables which were plugged into an Edirol UA-25 USB
The famous person i most admire - Legendary jazz vocalist Billie Holiday
THE FAMOUS FIGURE I MOST ADMIRE... English GCSE speech/presentation Legendary jazz vocalist Billie Holiday was born Eleanora Fagan Cough in 1915 Baltimore, the direct descendant of a slave (her grandmother) and a plantation owner (her grandfather). Born to a 13-year-old mother and a father who abandoned the family shortly after she was born, her childhood was far from stable. After being raped when she was 10, she was abandoned by her mother, and left to live with uncaring relatives. To support herself she began running errands and scrubbing floors in a brothel - it was there that she first heard jazz, scratchy recordings of Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith played on the house phonograph. At age 12 she moved to New York, where she became trapped in the brutal and bitter world of prostitution. By 1930 she had convinced a club owner to let her sing on an open mic night, taking the stage name Billie Holiday from the name of film star she admired, Billie Dove. After being discovered by musical genius John Hammond, Holiday was introduced to the producer Benny Goodman, who assisted her with her first recording session in 1933; over the next 11 years Holiday recorded over 200 cuts of jazz and swing music. Despite a lack of technical training, Holiday's unique diction, inimitable phrasing and acute dramatic intensity made her the outstanding jazz singer of her day. White
The current UK pop music market can be divided into various segments or genres. Here is a break down of the current UK pop music genres. Garage-
THE MUSIC GENRE GENRE: The current UK pop music market can be divided into various segments or genres. Here is a break down of the current UK pop music genres. Garage- Garage started in 1995 and had been given different names to describe this, for example Speed Garage, London Garage and the Sunday Scene. There were night clubs around London that were promoting the sound of UK Garage. In 1996 there were artists like RIP, Tuff Jam, Dream Teem, Booker T, 187 Lockdown and MJ Cole emerging into the underground Garage scene. There were two types of Garage music. One was bass line drive tunes by Double 99 and the other was more vocal and melodic tunes by MJ Cole. Rap- Rap or hip-hop, genre originating in the mid-1970s among black and Hispanic performers in New York City, at first associated with an athletic style of dancing, known as break dancing. The word rap, derived from a 1960s slang word for conversation, generally consists of chanted, often improvised, street poetry accompanied by a montage of well-known recordings, usually disco or funk. Detractors have criticized most rap music as a boastful promotion of violence and misogyny; others have admired it as an inventive manipulation of cultural idioms and credit many rappers with an acute social and political awareness. Early rap groups included Grandmaster Flash, Afrika Bambaataa, and the Beastie Boys.