A warm-up is essential before any exercise.

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Warm up

A warm-up is essential before any exercise. Young children need less time to warm up due to increased flexibility and suppleness. As we get older the need to warm-up is greater to prevent injury.

Why warm up?

  1. Helps mental preparation;
  2. Warms up the muscles;
  3. Helps prevent injury;
  4. Increases blood flow;
  5. Removes stiffness.

To Start: - you should do a small jog around the pitch, beginning at point X. Then on the second lap do some stretches at each corner. The order of events is as follows: -

Following the directions from the diagram should create a good progressive warm-up, not straining the muscles too much too quickly causing possible muscle strain and injury. The exercises should get gradually more strenuous and more like the activity performed

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The stretches to be done at each corner are as follows: -


Lower Body Stretches

  • Ankle Rolls
  • Gastrocnemius Stretches (also soleus)
  • Quadriceps Stretches
  • Hamstrings Stretches
  • Groin Stretches
  • Anterior shin Stretch
  • Psoas Stretch (hamstrings)
  • ITB Stretch (right hip and iliotibial band)
  • Gluteus Maximus Stretch

Central/Neck Stretches

  • Hip Rolls
  • Neck Rolls
  • Abdominals Stretch
  • Waist Reach Stretch

Upper body Stretches

  • Anterior Shoulder Stretch
  • Posterior Shoulder Stretch
  • Triceps stretch
  • Chest Complex
  • Back Pair
  • Wrist Complex


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This latter section is physiologically sound and accurate, but gives the impression of being copied out of a book. The art of 'PARAPHRASING' or re-wording someone else's is essential at all levels of study. It is fine to use someone else's knowledge or information, BUT they must be acknowledged in a citation. This writer could use practical examples in this section to show that they REALLY did understand! If you can re-apply theory, you probably get it!!!