Describe 4 common sports injuries

Liam WheelerBTEC Sports Performance
Describe 4 common sports injuries
Fractured bones (fibula)
The fibula is the splint bone on the outside of the lower leg, there are two types of breaks, the first being an open fracture which means the bone has ruptured the skin. A closed fracture does not rupture the skin and also a closed fracture is often treated by fitting a removable plastic cast. Healing time should be about 12 to 16 weeks.
Unfortunately in Eduardo’s case he suffered an open fracture caused by force so his bones were splintered and ragged. Surgical fixing of the leg is then needed, which involves a large nail being inserted down the bone and then fixed together with plates and screws. This method improves recovery time and reduces muscle wastage due to immobilisation.
Prompt medical attention limited the damage caused to Eduardo’s fibula. During an operation his fractured fibula was held together by pins. After the operation he required a leg cast. Before the leg cast was removed he was not allowed to put any weight on the injury so had to use crutches and have regular x-rays to check the pins and fusion of the bones. After the leg cast was removed he required intense physiotherapy to recover fully, due to the extent of his injury he was not able to play football for over a year. The wearing of shin pads reduces damage unless force is applied to the side of the leg as in this case.