Mechanics of Breathing and responses to exercise

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BIOL 1011 Practical 3                Charlotte Hall 20867824

Practical Three

Mechanics of Breathing and responses to exercise

Authors: Leah Frisby, Rebecca Murray, Shuchtra Ghash, Holly Franklin, Emily Gibbs, Rhian Jones, Jake Hatt, Thushe Joseph, Charlotte Hall, Emma Kirk



  • To investigate how holding breathe for 30 seconds affects the tidal volume, respiratory rate and respiratory minute volume.
  • To find out how moderate exercise for 3 minutes affects the tidal volume, respiratory rate and respiratory minute volume.


The respiratory system can be divided into to sections: the upper and lower respiratory system.  The upper respiratory system consists of the nasal and oral cavities and the pharynx.  The upper respiratory system warms and moistens the air before it reaches the lungs.  The lower respiratory system consists of the trachea, the lungs and the diaphragm.  The trachea, bronchi and bronchioles are the conducting zone and do not have a gas exchange role.  The alveoli are the respiratory zone and gas exchange solely occurs here.  The lungs are divided into lobes; the right lung divided into three lobes (superior, middle and inferior) whilst the left lung is only divided into two lobes (superior and inferior).

The primary functions of the respiratory system are:

  • Exchange of oxygen from the atmosphere to the blood and of carbon dioxide from the blood to the atmosphere.
  • Providing protection from inhaled pathogens and irritants
  • Regulation of plasma pH through the CO2/HCO3 system
  • Allowing vocalization

Air passes from the upper respiratory system into the lower via the trachea.  The trachea is a flexible but strong structure made up of rings of cartilage separated by smooth muscle.  The inside of the trachea is lined with a layer of epithelial cells, which are ciliated.  There are also mucus producing goblet cells in the layer.  These act as a filter as dust particles, bacteria and other irritants, which may damage the lung stick to the mucus.  The cilia then waft in a coordinated movement to transport the mucus upwards to the pharynx and away from the lungs.  When it reaches the pharynx the mucus is unconsciously swallowed.  The trachea splits in two to form the primary bronchi.  These also are made of rings of cartilage separated by smooth muscle and also contain goblet and ciliated cells.  The primary bronchi then split to form the secondary bronchi.  These are comprised of smooth muscle and don’t contain rings of cartilage, nor do they have the ability to produce mucus.  These then divide again 22 times until the alveoli are reached.  

The alveoli are microscopic blind-ended sacs and are the site of gas exchange between the atmospheric air and blood.  There are around 3-6 x 108 alveoli in the lungs and each alveolus is made up of a single layer of epithelium.  There are two types of epithelial cell; type I and type II.  Type I are larger than type II and are very thin to allow gases to diffuse rapidly through them.  Type II cells are smaller and thicker than type I and synthesis and secret surfactant.  Surfactant allows expansion of the lungs to be easier as it mixes with the thin fluid lining.  There are also white blood cells namely neutrophils which act as a third line of defence against bacteria or particle which reach the alveoli.  The alveoli do not contain any muscle fibres as these would slow diffusion, meaning lung tissue on its own can’t contract.  Instead connective tissues between the cells contain large amounts of elastin fibres, which create elastic recoil when the lung is stretched.

The diaphragm is dome shaped when relaxed and separates the abdomen from the thorax.  It is controlled by the phrenic nerve.  The contraction of diaphragm is key in allowing inspiration to occur.  For inspiration to occur the pressure in the thorax must be lower than the atmospheric pressure.  To achieve a negative intrathoracic pressure the diaphragm contracts and flattens, and the external intercostals and scalene muscles contract bringing the ribs up and out increasing the volume in the thorax.  At rest the diaphragm only moves about 1.5cm but the contraction of the diaphragm at rest causes between 60% and 75% of the inspiratory volume change.  The remaining 25% to 40% is accounted for by the external intercostal and scalene muscles.  The intercostal muscles are found between the ribs and are directly controlled by the spinal cord.  The scalene muscles are found at the top of the rib cage near the clavicle.  Air flows into the lungs until the pressure in the lungs equals the atmospheric pressure.

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In expiration at rest is a passive process and is due the relaxation of the muscles and diaphragm and the elastic recoil of the elastin fibres in the connective tissue.  The ribs move down and in due to the relaxation of the external intercostal and scalene muscles and the diaphragm returns to its resting dome shape and pushes upwards on the thoracic cage.  These processes reduce the volume of the thorax.  The elastic recoil passively drives air out as the lungs and chest wall return to their original shape.  During forced expiration a different set of muscles become active.  Muscles ...

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