Matthew James Bell                                                         Personal Exercice Programme


By Matthew Bell

I have chosen to complete my personal exercise programme on the sport swimming.

I have chosen the activity swimming because I am very interested in it. I have been doing it since early primary school and have continued onto now the end of secondary school. I think that it is the sport I no most about and I am most interested in doing. I swim in school and also out, I have progressed through out the years in my level of performance and I believe completing a personal exercise programme will improve my performance in all areas even more to a higher level. I have swam with people at higher standards than myself and also lower.  

I have been swimming for 12 years and it has developed to become one of my favourite physical activities. This has included watching England swim and participating with high level people my self. I personally enjoy this sport so much because of the techniques needed. It is a very exciting activity and does need a lot of taking part. Your body has to be thinking in different ways and working at high standards. I like the involvement that is expected from you in training sessions and the exciting in races and competitions. It is an individual activity and you must focus on you and only.

I don’t just like to swim I also take part by swimming very frequently. I previously swam for the school team and have also took part in outside of school teams. I would also like to now proceed further into swimming and sign on to a local team. This will hopefully help me to become a stronger swimmer as I will be around others with a lot of skill and devotion. I have training once or twice a week and competition come up quite often. My most preferred lane when racing is the outside left lane  

To be successful in Swimming …

A swimmer needs to have the following qualities and components of fitness as with out these they wont be able to play up to the standards of the other competators and this is essential to win.

  • Determination - A swimmer needs determination because they need the encouragement and thought the win the race. If a competitor can not be bothered to compete or train then there is no point them taking part in the activity. They need to be able to have the strength to push them selves that bit further. Doing this is going to result in the swimmer being able to get through a tough race that takes a lot of work and effort. The determination to win a race can also make a swimmer much stronger and competitive.


  • Team work – This quality is very rarely seen in swimming however when competing in a relay race you must always be thing about the person swimming as soon as you get back and do not want to let the next competitor down

  • Independence – This is a huge part of a swimming competition because you nearly always compete on your own. In these situations you have got to go with your instincts and just swim irregardless of what your coach says you do what you feel comfortable with.

  • Confidence – This is very important in swimming for many reasons. Firstly the confidence to go into a competition and thinking there is a chance of winning. Also the confidence to go for a difficult race against a very strong opponent. Although being over confident can affect the way you swim and course a downfall and you can start to doubt your self.

  • Motivation – This is needed as a swimmer needs something to make them compete at there best through out a competition and be ready for a challenge. With out motivation there is nothing to reach for; no goals or targets that they may want to reach. This helps to make the swimmer work harder and harder until they eventually achieve there goal. This may also be needed in training sessions so they work hard as thy possibly can to gain the best in them. The harder you work the better you’re become. Although working to hard can lead to long term injury.

The components needed to be a top quality swimmer (or any sportsman) are split into two categories these are skill relates and health related.

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In skill related fitness performers will need the following:

  • Agility – This is needed in swimming when a swimmer is changing direction and body position (tumble turns) Agility helps you to do this quickly. Agility could possibly be associated with the starting dive as your body position changes several times during this.

  • Speed – This one of the largest skills required for swimming as without speed you would not win. Speed

  • Reaction Time – This is the time it takes you to respond to a stimulus. In most sports this is a starting sound as it ...

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