Frequency- This is the number of times per week you need to train in order to improve your fitness. I am going to training 2 sessions a week for the first two weeks and gradually progress.
Intensity- This is how hard I am going to have to train if I want to improve.
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Time- This is how long that each session must be in order to be of any benefit and to achieve improvement. I must train for a minimum of 20 minutes per session. Also the WPR must be in the target zone.
Type- This is the type of training that I do. I don’t matter if I do anaerobic or aerobic exercise. It would matter if I only specialised in one type of activity.
Reversibility- If I stop training or if I miss training then reversibility will kick in, then I will lose some of my fitness so I will have to work even harder to get my fitness back.
Regularity- This is like frequency. This is how many times I train and for how long.
Progression- If I have been training for 2 sessions in one week then I am going to be trying to do more then 2 sessions the next week. I will gradually increase how much I do.
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WPR= 220-15=205 60%-80%= 124-164
Week 1
Session 1
Target/Aim- I want to work on speed work. I want to run a long distance of 800 metres without stopping and getting very tired. I want to improve my speed by doing sprint work.
Type of training- I am going to be doing continuous training and interval training.
Warm Up- 400 metres jog, stretching- holding each stretch for 20 seconds. 50 metres sprint. Sideways running, backwards running, etc.
Main Activity- 50 metres sprints, about 8 seconds per sprint.
50 x 10= 500metres.
At the end of each sprint, 10 press-ups or 10 sit-ups and then a brisk walk back to the starting point.
10 sit-ups or press-ups and walk back to the starting point= 30 seconds.
8 x 10= 80 seconds + 8 x 240 seconds= 5 minutes 20 seconds.
2 minutes rest period to get the heart rate down.
800 metres light jog= 5 minutes. Then 2 minutes rest period to get the heart rate down.
10 minutes cross training. Mix continuous training with interval training.
Cool Down- Stretching to disperse the lactic acid. Mixed running for 400 minutes.
Evaluation- It was a fairly good session. The weather was nice. Determined to do well and stick to my goals for that session.
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Week 1
Session 2
Target/Aim- Run for 20 minutes without stopping. This will improve my cardiovascular fitness.
Type Of Training- I will be doing Fartlek Training.
Warm Up- Stretching, holding each stretch for 25 seconds. Light jog for 5 minutes to get the blood pumping around the body. Running in different forms- sprints, backwards, sideways, high knee running, etc.
Main Activity-
20 minutes running in the park. Running on different terrain- up the hill, down the hill, on concrete, on grass.
Cool Down- Light jog for 5 minutes, stretching to disperse the lactic acid. Each stretch holding for 30 seconds. Running for another 5 minutes.
Evaluation- It was a very good session. I was determined to do well in the first week and accomplish the goal that I had set. The weather was OK. My Working Pulse Rate (WPR) was 167.
Week 2
Session 1
Target/Aim- Work on enhancing my body by developing muscles. Work on different area of my body.
Type of Training- I will be doing Circuit Training.
Warm Up- Sprinting and jogging for 5 minutes. Stretching for 5 minutes.
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Week 2
Session 1 (continued)
Main Activity- I will be doing Circuit Training.
Station 1- Press- ups.
Station 2- Squats.
Station 3- Burpees.
Station 4- Jumping over bench, side to side.
Station 5- Sprints
Station 6- Lift bench with a partner.
I did 3 sets.
Each station lasts for 45 seconds.
Cool Down- Jogging up and down for 5 minutes. Stretching for 5 minutes to disperse the lactic acid. Each stretch held for 20 seconds.
Evaluation- I was not determined to do my best. The weather was a bit cold. I was a bit upset by finding out the exam timetable. It was not a very good session. My WPR was 147.
Week 2
Session 2
Target/Aim- Run for 25 minutes non-stop. Try and work high in the target zone.
Type Of Training- I will be doing Continuous Training. This will improve my cardiovascular fitness.
Warm Up- Jog for about 5-10 minutes, to get the blood pumping around my body. Stretching for about 10 minutes. Holding each stretch for about 30 seconds.
Main Activity- I will be doing continuous training, non-stop for about 25 minutes. Run gently and work in the target zone. I am running for 25 minutes, I am using progression. I am running 5 extra minutes than last week.
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Week 2
Session 2 (continued)
Cool Down- Stretching for 5 minutes then jogging for 5 minutes. Jogging for 5 minutes again. So I will not get aches in my muscles.
Evaluation- I was feeling good about completing the run. It was a good session. My WPR was 163.
Week 3
Session 1
Target/Aim- Work on my speed work. I want to improve my time in my sprints. Also improve my long distance running. I want to run for a long time without stopping.
Type Of Training- I will be doing Interval Training and Continuous Training.
Warm Up- Light jog for 400 metres. 100 metres sprint. Stretching for 30 seconds for each body part. The stretching lasted for about 5 minutes.
Main Activity-
75-metre sprints- 11 seconds per sprint.
75 x 10= 750 metres.
At the end of each race, 5 press- ups and 5 sit- ups.
Press- ups and sit- ups last for about 25 seconds.
25 x 10= 250 seconds. 11 x 10= 11 seconds.
1 minute rest period between each sprint- 10 x 1= 10 metres.
4 minutes 10 seconds + 1 minute 40 seconds + 10 metres=15 minutes 50 seconds.
10 minutes continuous training.
Cool Down- Light jog, different types of running, backwards, sideways. Stretching for about 7 minutes.
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Week 3
Session 1
Evaluation- It was not a bad session. I was not in the mood; I was not looking forward to it. My WPR was 140.
Week 3
Session 2
Target/Aim- Run for 25 minutes non-stop and work in the target zone.
Type Of Training- I will be doing Continuous Training.
Warm Up- Light jog for about 5 minutes. Stretching for 10 minutes, holding each stretch for about 30 seconds. Running in different forms- backwards, high knee running, sideways, etc.
Main Activity- Continuous training of 25 minutes in the park.
Cool Down- Light jog for 5 minutes, stretching to disperse the lactic acid. Also to prevent aches in the muscles. Holding each stretch for 40 seconds.
Evaluation- It was a fairly good session. The weather was nice. I was in a good mood so I was working hard. My WPR was 159.
Week 4
Session 1
Target/Aim- Improve my sprint work. I want to be able to run 75 metres in a good time. I want to be able to run 800 metres without stopping.
Type Of Training- Interval Training and Continuous Training
Warm Up- 400 metres light jog, stretching for 10 minutes, holding each stretch at about 30 seconds and 75 metres sprint.
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Week 4
Session 1
Main Activity-
75 metres sprints, about 11 seconds per sprint.
11 x 8= 88 seconds.
At the end of each sprint, brisk walks back to the starting point.
75 x 11= 825 metres.
5 minutes rest period at the end of all of the sprints to get the heart rate down.
800 metres jog= 3 minutes.
75metres x 5= 375 metres.
11 x 5= 55 seconds.
Cool Down- Stretching to disperse the lactic acid, light jog for 400 metres.
Evaluation- The weather was bad, it was raining. The session did not go very well, I was not determined to do well because of the weather. My WPR was 141.
Week 4
Session 2
Target/Aim- Run for 30 minutes non-stop.
Type Of Training- Fartlek Training.
Warm Up- Stretching for 10 minutes, holding each stretch for 30 seconds. Light Jog for about 5 minutes.
Main Activity- 30 minutes running in the park non-stop. Running on different terrain.
Cool Down- Light jog for 5 minutes, stretching to disperse lactic acid. Each stretch holding for 40 seconds to prevent aches.
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Week 4
Session 2
Evaluation- It was an Ok session. The weather was cold, I was not looking forward to it because I was worried about the exams that were becoming nearer. My WPR was 153.
Week 4
Session 3
Target/Aim- Work on enhancing my body by developing muscles. Work on different area of my body.
Type of Training- I will be doing Circuit Training.
Warm Up- Sprinting and jogging for 5 minutes. Stretching for 5 minutes.
Main Activity- I will be doing Circuit Training.
Station 1- Press- ups.
Station 2- Squats.
Station 3- Sit-ups
Station 4- Step ups onto the bench.
Station 5- Sprints
Station 6- Lift bench with a partner.
I did 5 sets.
Each station lasts for 30 seconds.
Cool Down- Jogging for 5 minutes. Stretching for 5 minutes to disperse the lactic acid. Each stretch held for 20 seconds. Jogging for another 5 minutes.
Evaluation- I was determined to do well. It was nice and sunny. I was looking forward to doing this activity because I felt very stressful so exercising helped me relieve some of it. My WPR was 160.
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Week 5
Session 1
Target/Aim- I want to run for 35 minutes and I want to develop my muscles as well.
Type Of Training- Continuous Training.
Warm Up- Jogging for 5 minutes, stretching for 5 minutes, holding each stretch for 45 seconds.
Main Activity- Running for 35 minutes, after every 5 minutes, 10 press- ups or sit-ups. Run gently and work in the target zone.
Cool Down- Light Jog for 5-20 minutes, stretching for 5 minutes, each stretch holding for 40 seconds.
Evaluation- It was a fairly good session. I was in a good mood, the weather was nice, I was looking forward to doing the session. My WPR was 162.
Week 5
Session 2
Target/Aim- Work on my speed work, develop my muscles and work on my cardiovascular fitness.
Type Of Training- Interval and Continuous Training.
Warm Up- 100 metre sprint, 400 metre light jogging to get the blood pumping around the body. 5 minutes stretching.
Main Activity-
100metre sprints, about 15 seconds per sprint.
100 x 7=700 metres.
At the end of each race, 5 press- ups and 5 sit- ups.
Press- ups and sit- ups last for about 25 seconds.
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Week 5
Session 2
25 x 10= 250 seconds. 15 x 10= 150 seconds.
1 minute rest period between each sprint- 7 x 1= 7 minutes.
250 seconds= 4 minutes 10 seconds + 7 minutes + 1 minute 25 secs.
15 minutes continuous running.
Cool Down- 5 minutes light jog, 5 minutes stretching to disperse the lactic acid and prevent aches and pains.
Evaluation- it was a good session because I had accomplished the goal that I had set for the session. My WPR was 164. I was working high in the target zone.
Week 6
Session 1
Target/Aim- Run for 40 minutes without stopping.
Type Of Training- I will be doing Fartlek training.
Warm Up- 5 minutes light jog, stretching for about 7 minutes, holding each stretch for 45 seconds.
Main Activity- I will be running for 40 minutes in the park without stopping. I will be using progression because I am running 5 extra minutes than last week.
Cool Down- light jog for about 5 minutes, stretching for 5 minutes to prevent aches and disperse lactic acid.
Evaluation- a good session. I was looking forward to it, I was determined to do well because it was the last week of the PEP. The weather was nice and warm. My WPR was 165.
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Week 6
Session 2
Target/Aim- Work on enhancing my body by developing muscles. Work on different area of my body.
Type of Training- I will be doing Circuit Training.
Warm Up- Sprinting and jogging for 5 minutes. Stretching for 5 minutes, holding each stretch for about 30 seconds.
Main Activity- I will be doing Circuit Training.
Station 1- Star Jumps.
Station 2- Press-ups.
Station 3- Bunny Hops.
Station 4- Step-ups onto the bench.
Station 5- Sprints.
Station 6- Lift bench with a partner.
I did 6 sets.
Each station lasts for 30 seconds.
I used progression because this week I managed to do 6 sets instead of 5.
Cool Down- Jogging for 10minutes. Stretching for 5 minutes to disperse the lactic acid. Each stretch held for 20 seconds. Jogging for another 5 minutes.
Evaluation- It was a good session, I was happy that I had completed the session and I am happy because there is only one more session to go. My working pulse rate was 159.
Week 6
Session 3
Target/Aim- Run for 40 minutes non-stop and work high in the target zone. This will help improve my cardiovascular fitness.
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Week 6
Session 3
Type Of Training- I will be doing Continuous Training.
Warm Up- Jog for 5 minutes, stretching for 5 minutes, holding each stretch for 40 seconds.
Main Activity- 40 minutes running, non-stop, high in the target zone.
Cool Down- 5 minutes light jogging, 5 minutes stretching to disperse the lactic acid. Each stretch held at 30 seconds.
Evaluation- It was a great session, it was the last session, I was in a very good mood, the weather was good. My WPR was 166.