The PEP (Personal Exercise Programme) has worked well, as it provided me with a guide to follow in order to increase my cardiovascular. However there were some obstacles which had occurred, in the first two weeks; as it started to rain. This caused a problem because the running courses would have made me work harder; it also had an affect on my will to do the training as it was too cold and wet.
The PEP has proven it worked as it shows that my Heart rate and recovery times are lower than what they have started with.
This was started off with 30Mins for the first Fartlik training session and gradually, each time I did it I added on 5 min to the total time. I had chosen to do this particular training method as it trains my cardiovascular for the change in amounts of oxygen I use and it was interesting to do.
This method was used so that I can improve my cardiovascular for longer endurance, so when playing a football match it will be less difficult to become fatigued.
This method is used to improve my burst of energy for a quick sprint, as it is often needed in a football match to take the ball off someone or to go past defenders.
This is used to train muscles to be able to use cardiovascular more efficiently.
I did some swimming as the weather was too bad to do any out door sports and swimming is a good sport to train both muscles and cardiovascular, as u always have to move arms and legs in order to swim and the breathing techniques used in swimming helps to make the cardiovascular stronger.
This is done to try and work out how to use which type of cardiovascular, during a football match; and it brings it to the test, to see whether the PEP has worked or not.