Amy Gomer – 3048

The Aim of my Programme

What is the aim of this programme?

The purpose of this programme is to decide on my current fitness level and to improve my relative sport, which is netball. To start of my programme I am going to explain what fitness is then I am going to analyse my level of fitness in order to decide how fit I am. Finally I am going to decide on what fitness targets I think are relevant to achieve by the end of this.

What is physical fitness?

        Physical fitness is a set of qualities that are either health related or performance (or skill) related. Health related fitness comprises those components of fitness that show a relationship with health status. Performance/skill related fitness involves those components of fitness that enable best work or sport performance.

        General Fitness is- is the ability to carry out every day activities where you’re hardly tired when performing them with enough energy left for emergencies. For example, walking a dog, walking up stairs, or carrying the shopping bags etc.

        Specific Fitness is- fitness is where you are physically fit enough to perform your sports with out becoming tired. In order to perform well at your sport you need to have everything planned in your head. For example you may have set play with other players in your team in order to win and make it difficult for the opposition. You may also individually have a visual vision of shooting or what you are going to do if a player on the opposite team is making it difficult for you to get close to the goal. 

There are 11 components of fitness, five of which are health related fitness and the         other six of these components are skill related.

These are the five aspects of Health Related fitness:

  • Flexibility - the ability to stretch muscles to the maximum
  • Muscle Endurance - a single muscle's ability to perform sustained work
  • Muscular Strength - the level to which muscles can apply force
  • Body Composition – How the body is made up of bone, muscle and fat
  • Cardiovascular Fitness - the heart's ability to deliver oxygen to working muscles and to use it

The other aspects of fitness, which are Skill, related fitness:

  • Speed – The time in which a distance is covered in a short period of time.
  • Power - The ability to exert muscle contraction instantly in an explosive burst of movements.
  • Agility - The ability to change direction and movement quickly, and still keep control of the whole body.
  • Balance –In order to be able to keep the body steady whether still, moving or in a different shape, by keeping the centre of gravity over the base.
  • Reaction Time – The amount of time it takes for the body to react.
  • Co-ordination- the ability to incorporate different movement, using different parts of the body.

My Fitness Activities over a 2-week period:

- Also every night I obtain, abdominal and other workout (which consist of 50 sit-ups)

My level of fitness

Looking at my table I think my level of fitness is average. The way I perform relates to my fitness, because my standard of fitness helps to complete general, everyday tasks. In order to be a successful sportsperson I should be performing at a high standard, in order to do this I should try to increase my level of fitness to a higher standard. My sport I will be focusing on throughout this project will be netball. As it is not the correct season my table doesn’t consist of my priority sport. Related to my sport it is essential that I practice my fitness in order to be able to have energy throughout the whole match. Therefore if I were to do this in winter season it would be different. I think the aim of having a training programme is to increase the level of fitness and get fitter; it also makes sure that you stick to training.

What 4 components are important for my sport?

Cardiovascular Fitness (Stamina)

I need cardiovascular fitness for playing WA or GA in netball because I need to be able to keep on my feet and running around at all times. Therefore I can’t get tired.


I need speed, in order to beat an opponent to the ball.

Strength _        

I need strength to be able to throw the ball powerfully throughout the game.


Flexibility is needed to be able to reach for the ball and so my muscles are ready for the game. Also a good deal of flexibility will enable me to dodge other opponents, and with a greater deal of flexibility I will have the physical edge of my opponent when it comes to this.

Components of fitness 1 – Stamina

 (Aerobic Fitness Cardio Vascular fitness)

Testing For Aerobic Fitness (Stamina)

The aero test (also known as a bleep test) is a maximal test, which means it will take you to your maximum fitness limit, if you push yourself to your highest standard. It runs between two lines, which are 20 meters apart from each other. There is a pre-recorded CD; this paces the person by an audible bleep that gets faster throughout the shuttle run.

Key points for the aero test procedure:

  • Start on or behind one of the lines
  • At the beginning don’t run too fast and stick to the bleeps of the CD
  • During the test they run between the lines, keeping to the pace of the bleep on the CD
  • If the line isn’t reached more than two times, the person will have to stop
  • Failure to catch up with the pace within the two bleeps, brings the test to an end

My Personal result and comparison to national data

Although my score is ‘below’ average, I think what I achieved was okay, because it’s not far off average, and only a few participants got higher than my score.

How can you improve your Aerobic Fitness?

You can improve your stamina, by using the continuous training technique, this involves running for a long periods of time without stopping. This helps because it increases your endurance, its good for a warm up, and it increases fitness. You can overload the body by increasing the duration and the speed of the exercise.    

Components of fitness 2 – Speed –Sprint/Speed Test

Testing For Speed

This test is designed to test a person’s speed and acceleration in a straight line, measured in seconds. The lower the time the greater the individual’s speed. This is usually over a set distance, with the opportunity to record split times. The objective of the sprint speed test is to assess maximum running speed. It involves running a single maximum sprint over 35 metres.

Key points for the sprint test procedure: 

  • The athlete begins at a start point
  • The athlete can start whenever they feel ready, and the timing begins when the subject presses the button on the floor
  • The time begins and then the time is recorded at 2 different intervals
  • 3 tests are taken and the best one is recorded.
  •  The distance sprinted, can vary depending on what you are trying to cover

My Personal result and comparison to national data

My score…

How can you improve your Speed?

You can improve your speed by obtaining practice in this area. Practices can consist of practicing sprinting techniques. Practicing on a regular basis will help improve speed. Hill training will also increase your speed rapidly, because the muscles get used to trying harder to run up and down hill, so then when your back on flat ground your muscles will be working harder, so your be quicker.

Components of fitness 3 – Strength – Grip Strength Test

Testing For Strength

To monitor the development of an athlete's grip strength. The test is used to determine strength levels for the right and left arm. The testing devise is a grip strength dynamometer. The athlete squeezes the dynamometer as hard as possible with one hand, this registers a score and the process is repeated with the opposing hand.

Key points for grip strength test procedure:

  • Hold the dynamometer with the arm straight
  • Bring the arm up into the air
  • Bring the arm down, whilst squeezing the dynamometer as hard as you can
  • When you have finished look at the reading on the monitor
  • Record results

My Personal result and comparison to national data

I am happy with my score because I didn’t think I was that strong, but my result was just below average. I think I gain strength from my Taekwondo training, but in order to be a successful player I would like to improve my score.


How can you improve your Strength?

In order to improve strength, the muscle will have to operate beyond its normal intensity regularly. Weight training on a regular basis will improve strength on various muscles that are worked on.

Components of fitness 4 – Suppleness –

 Sit and Reach Flexibility test

Testing For Flexibility

        This test is designed to find the maximum suppleness out of a person; it measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles

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Key points for sit and reach test procedure:

  • This test involves sitting on the floor with legs out straight ahead.
  • Feet (shoes off) are placed with the soles flat against the box, shoulder-width apart. Both knees are held flat against the floor by the tester.
  • With hands on top of each other and palms facing down, the subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible.
  • After three practice reaches, the fourth reach is held for at least two seconds while the distance is recorded

My Personal result and comparison to national data


This is a preview of the whole essay