Six week personal exercise programme.

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My weakest sport is Football. My weakest areas are strength, fitness and speed. The skill related fitness required in Football is Agility, Power, Co-ordination, Balance, Speed, Cardiovascular fitness and Muscular endurance.

Agility is needed to dribble past an opponent; Power is needed to withstand pressure from an opponent and to shoot with strength; Co-ordination is needed to be able to have the ball under your control; Balance is needed to be able to stay on your feet even when tackled; Speed is needed to move fast into spaces and towards the ball; Cardiovascular fitness is needed to play a whole match without being too tired during the match and Muscular endurance is needed so the muscles can last a whole match with getting too tight.

To improve my weaknesses in Football, I will use circuit training doing the following activities:

  • Bench walk
  • Bench jump
  • Triceps dip
  • Press-ups
  • Step-ups
  • Shuttle run

I will be using the principle of Progression to make sure my weaknesses improve as much as possible and as quickly as possible.

In conclusion after completing the circuit training I wish to become a much better football player.


The time I take to finish the course at each attempt will probably vary depending on two factors 1.if I am fully fit and 2.if I am injury-free.    

Equipments required:

  • Tape measure
  • Tape to mark start/finish line
  • Eight cones
  • Stopwatch
  • Score card and pen

Activity Layout:

  1. Get a space 6 metres wide by 14 metres long, indoors or outdoors (this is the dimension of a badminton court).
  2. Mark the start/finish line.
  3. Layout cones as shown in the diagram.


  • Wear suitable footwear for the surface I will be running on, e.g. no shoes on wooden floor.
  • Make sure I am properly warmed up.
  • Ensure there is a run-off area after finish line to allow deceleration.
  • Make sure the floor is dry and not slippery.
  • Make sure other pupils waiting to do the test stand well away from the slalom.


  1. I will lay flat on the floor, face down behind the start line.
  2. Then on the start signal, I’ll jump up and run down the course, going round the cones and back towards the finish line. 
  3. Another pupil uses a stop watch to time how long I take to finish the course.






Conclusion: My agility appears to have improved as the time it took me to complete the slalom gradually decreases each week. However in week 2 the time I took to complete the slalom increased as I had a slight knee injury, but overall my agility increased and I am very satisfied.

Hypothesis: My co-ordination will increase, and the more throws and catches I do, the more my score will increase for the six times I will do the throw and catch action.

Equipments required:

  • Tape measure
  • Tape
  • Stopwatch
  • Tennis ball

Activity Layout:

  1. Select a space by a wall.
  2. Measure 2m away from the wall.
  3. Put a tape at the 2m mark.


  • Try not to throw the ball against the wall too hard.
  • Make sure the tennis ball is not too hard.


  1. After the activity layout is set I will get a stopwatch and a tennis ball ready.
  2. Start the stopwatch and start the throwing and catching action.
  3. Continue until the alarm on the stopwatch goes off, indicating that 1 minute is up.
  4. Record the number of throws and catches and repeat the whole procedure another 5 times.


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Explanation of how and what is being recorded: I will be recording the number of throws and catches I can do in 1 minute and repeat these 5 times. I will be recording this by timing myself with a stop watch and counting the number of catches and throw I do within each minute.

Conclusion: From my results my hypothesis looks to very accurate as my co-ordination improved. Overall my co-ordination improved immensely and I ...

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