Skeleton Diagram

Remember: Scapula is at the back not the front of the skeleton!

How Bones Grow

When we are born most of our skeleton is made from cartilage, as grow older the cartilage develops into bone which is much firmer. We call this process Ossification.

This process carries on until we are fully grown adults. An example of this is that when we are born we have around 350 bones but when we are fully grown adults we have about 206 bones.

The ends of our bones are the places that contain the cartilage these are the growth plates. Because we are constantly growing we need our bones to reshape and grow this happens through osteoblasts. To make this possible though the bones need osteoclasts to replace the tissue that makes bones.

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Joints allow the body to move. Muscles attached to the bone contract to cause the bone to move. The bones act as levers with joints acting as pivots.

‘A joint is where to bones meet and muscles act together to cause movement’

Types of Joints

  1. Fixed or Immoveable Joints

These are joints and bones that can’t move, e.g. The Skull.

  1. Slightly Moveable Joints

They can only move a little bit ...

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