Techniques in Rounders


In rounders there are two teams and one team will be fielding and the other team will be batting. Each player from the batting team will take it in turn to bat. They will try to hit it as far as they can in order to make rounders by running round the stumps. The techniques that are used in batting are the following:


When batting you should have a good firm grip round the handle with one hand. The top of the bat should be pointing towards the sky. All fingers should be round the handle.

Bat up high

The bat should be held up high so that when you go to swing for the ball it will be a good and strong one.

Tactical awareness  

To be a good batter you must have good tactical awareness so you should look round the field for any gaps that aren’t covered or anyone that you know isn’t very good at fielding.


When standing to bat you should be in a comfortable side on position with legs shoulder width apart so that you can get a good 180° swing. You should also be standing on your toes so when you hit the ball you may get away quickly.

Eyes on the ball

After looking round the field you should always have your eyes on the ball just in case the bowler tries a quick and sharp bowl.

Hand eye co-ordination

To be a good batter you should have good hand eye co-ordination which is in this case enabling your eyes and arms to work together in producing a desired movement which in batting is connecting with the ball.


To be a good batter you should have at least some sort of accuracy so that when you work out where you want the ball to go you can get it somewhere around that point.

Hitting the ball

When you swing the bat to hit the ball you should try to make a good connection with the ball so that it goes far and you can get as far as you can round the bases as you can. If you are playing tactically and only wish to go to first base then maybe don’t hit it as hard to make sure you actually hit the ball and give you enough time to get to base required.

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Follow through

After hitting the ball you must follow through with the bat. This will provide extra power in the hit. You should then be standing facing the way that you hit the ball.

Dropping the bat

After you have hit the ball you must not drop the bat. You must run to each base holding the bat. If you drop the bat in a real game of rounders you will automatically be out.


In a game of rounders one player from the fielding team will bowl the ball to each player that is in bat from the ...

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