The sport that I have chosen is football. I must include in this piece of work, the fitness exercises that will be used in the circuit and reason for inclusion, the skill activities that will be done

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Health Promoting Exercise/Fitness

Training Programme



For this Assessment I have to construct a circuit-training programme for a particle sport. The sport that I have chosen is football. I must include in this piece of work, the fitness exercises that will be used in the circuit and reason for inclusion, the skill activities that will be done during the programme plus the reason for choosing them, and comments on the organisation, implementation, monitoring and progression.

  1. Training Programme:

Below is a list of the exercises that I have included in my training programme for my chosen sport, football. I have decided to use this type of training method, because it has many advantages, which will help me to raise my level of fitness, thus increasing my performance in my chosen game. It is important to realise that the exercises that I have chosen and that are listed below have been chosen as they are related to the sport I have chosen.

The main effects of circuit training are that it improves general muscle strength, endurance, muscle tone and posture. These are happen because of the way that the certain exercises are carried out. Circuit training also increases bone density, metabolic rate and also decreases body fat percentage. I am going to focus on increasing muscle endurance.

Aspects of training that I must consider is doing a warm up and warm down before and after the circuit. Reasons for deciding to do a warm up are that it will gradually increase both my heart rate and breathing. This will benefit me, as it will prepare my body for the exercise to follow. The warm up will also ensure that the blood flow to my muscles gradually increases, and also prepare me mentally for the hard work to follow in my circuit. The warm up will include a period of gentle exercise that will use the whole of my body, for example light jogging. It will also include gentle stretching of my main muscle groups, which will be the Gastrocnemius, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Pectorals, Biceps, and Triceps. The warm down will consist of a period of light exercise. This will help to remove carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and other waste products, which if not removed will result in stiffness, and injury.  

There are many other factors that I must consider when thinking about the actual circuit-training programme. These are such things as Progression, Overload, and Order of exercises and Reversibility. Factors that I must consider relating to Progression are such things as how many weeks I am planning to carry out the circuit. I have decided that I will carry out the circuit over a period of 6 weeks. I believe that at the start of the circuit, when I am just starting to carry it out the progression will be quite fast, and the most progression will be made in these early stages. I will achieve the next level of progression by increasing the intensity of the circuit, which will create an overload. An overload is when the circuit must be raised to a higher level than is normal to create the extra demands to which the body will adapt. This can be done three different ways, which are to increase the intensity, frequency and duration. I have decided to increase the frequency, which means the amount of reps for each exercise will be increased over a period of time.

One factor that I must be aware of is reversibility. If exercise is reduced in intensity of stopped altogether then the benefit can be quickly lost. Deterioration sets in after about one week. Strength and speed are gradually lost with muscles losing their tone and size. When I am producing my circuit I must consider specificity of the exercise to the chosen game, which in this case is football. I have made sure that the training exercises are specific to the sport, type of fitness required and the particular muscle groups. It is necessary that I must consider this, as the purpose of the circuit-training programme is to increase my level of skill in the chosen sport and my overall level of fitness.

General fitness, which is what I am trying to achieve, relates to the type of fitness required by a normal person to cope with the daily demands made by them. There are five components that are needed to gain a good level of general fitness; these are strength, suppleness, stamina, somatotype and speed. I hope to achieve a good level of all of these five aspects, as they will benefit me to perform better in my chosen sport.

Now that I have considered everything needed to do plan the circuit I can start to proceed with the planning. Below are the exercises that I am going to do, and in the order that I am going to do them in.        

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