To find out how different exercises affect your pulse rate.

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Investigating Exercise

Aim: To find out how different exercises affect your pulse rate

Prediction: I believe that the more strenuous the activity, the higher the pulse rate will rise.

The pulse is a measurement of how fast your heart pumps. In exercise, the muscles of your body need more oxygen and glucose for respiration and so you breathe faster. The equation of respiration is:

Glucose + oxygen            Carbon dioxide + water + ATP

C6H12O6 + 6O2                 6CO2 + 6H20 + ATP

More strenuous exercise requires more Oxygen to keep the body going for longer and harder. Therefore, your heart needs to beat faster to get the oxygen around the body, also increasing pulse rate. This oxygen is used to make energy from glucose which is used to make your muscles contract and work harder, like running. So your pulse rate increases during exercise. Also the slower your pulse rate (within reason) the fitter you are and the quicker your heart rate returns to normal after exercise is also a measure of how fit you are.  

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  • Stopwatch
  • Metre rule for measuring out 50m
  • A person to do the exercising
  • A pen


Method: First obtain all the equipment as stated above. With the metre rule, measure out 50m with a pen – marking out the start and finish. Next think of a list of exercises and create a results table with them. Start off with the least strenuous exercise (resting). Now, beginning with the first exercise, carry it out using the marked out 50m if necessary. For those exercises not needing the 50m, do 30 ...

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