Warming up to prevent injury

Before starting any exercise, kids should first warm up. It is an important part of any workout or sport. When kids warm up, extra blood flows to their muscles and builds the supply of available oxygen. This increases the productivity of the workout and reduces the chance of injury.

A proper warm-up can help prevent injury and minimize post-exercise aches. Warm-up exercises can include jogging in place, brisk walking, jumping jacks, and stretching for 10 minutes before playing

Warming Up 

Warming up before any exercise is essential for preventing injury. Here is a simple routine your kids can follow to prepare their muscles for sports or other vigorous activity.

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Toe Touches:
While standing, bend over and reach for your toes. Hold for 15 seconds without bouncing.

Side Bends:
While standing, bend sideways reaching over with the opposite arm. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat for each side.

Thigh Stretches: 
While standing, balance yourself against a wall or chair. Bend one leg behind you and grasp it, holding it in place for 15 seconds. Repeat for each leg.

Ankle Rotations: 
While sitting extend one leg out straight. Turn your ankle in circles, one direction then reverse. Repeat for the other ankle.

Jog in Place:
Jog in place for a ...

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