9/11 Conspiracy Theories

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9/11 Conspiracy Theories


On September 11th 2001 at 8:46am Flight 11, a passenger plane heading to Boston, turned off course and rammed into the North tower of the World Trade Centre. Then, approximately 17 minutes later at 9:03 am, another passenger plane, Flight 175, hit the South tower. Half an hour later, at 9:37am, passenger plane flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon causing. Finally, flight 93 at 10:03 am smashed into a Pennsylvanian field.

Official Version/Conspiracy Ideas

Government told the public that these events were the work of Islamic extremists, Osama Bin Laden and MOSAD, the Israeli intelligence service. They used suicide bombers to raise awareness of their religion so that they would get more attention.

They also told the public that when the planes crashed into the towers the force was enough to bring it down; they also had engineers support to back it up.

When the pentagon, the most protected building and air space with reinforced walls, was hit, they informed us that the fighter jets were misinformed and sent in the wrong direction because of a training exercise that had taken place, hours before the attack.

After the Cold War, some of the air defence was dismantled as they thought that attacks would come from outside rather than inside. So, training pilots were only trained to fly out of America and not in.    

However, there were many problems with this and soon, everyone doubted the official version. From small to massive, conspiracy ideas were popping up everywhere, using the internet to tell their different theories. Although, one thing they all agreed on was that the government was, somehow involved.  

Theories into more detail


The official version is hard to believe as there is too much evidence, for example, from the bottom of the wreckage from the twin towers collapse the government found a passport of one of the 19 terrorists. Also the media managed to report the names of the hijackers only a few hours after the events, this shows us that the media had vested interest to lie as they would get to show the article and the government would be avle to cover up their tracks. It was then reported that 7 or 8 of the terrorist were still alive but they’re identities must have been stolen and then faked the passports however many believe that this is one of the many of the bad cover ups that America took to disguise the true happenings.

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The World Trade Centres

Theorists believe that the planes used to fly into the north and south tower were remote controlled. This is based on the evidence of the footage and pictures taken of the planes crashing into the towers, it shows how precisely a commercial planes went into each of the towers. However this raised a few questions as the controllers would have to be experts and would have to get the equipment on the plane with out looking suspicious. There is also some doubt on the owner of the buildings Larry Silverstein; the theorists suggested that he ...

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